Christmas Road Hurling 2022
Our Christmas Road Hurling will take place this year on Wednesday December 28th beginning in Dooley Park and ending in The Four Elms. More details to follow next week.
Underage Street Leagues
Our street league’s last rounds are this coming Friday before our Finals on December 16th. There will be no academy this Friday for our U13 group who have now already completed their group stages. The Galway Team will face Kilkenny in the Championship Final and the Limerick Team face Cork in the League Final. A great night is anticipated for the 16th, where our Signed and Framed jersey will be raffled and our U15 football lads will receive their County Medals.
Parish Lotto
The lotto can be purchased online through our social media or available at many public premises in the parishes or contact any committee member.
Congratulations to all the Limerick Senior County Hurlers who received their All Ireland Hurling Medals in Adare Manor last Saturday night and we wish the all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for another successful year for 2023.