Our Under 7 Stars!
Well done to the girls and boys of Rathkeale U7’s football team, who enjoyed their second outing with a series of matches in the Bog Garden against Killeedy last Saturday morning. This was only their second game ever and it’s fantastic to see the kids develop their skills each week. Well done to all the players and coaches.
Well done to our U9 Footballers of Cappagh\Rathkeale who played two very enjoyable matches against a strong St Senans team last Friday evening. Our lads were excellent, with some great passages of play and scores on the night. Well done to all involved and we hope to see you all at training in The Bog Garden, Rathkeale, this Wednesday evening at 6.00pm.
Kellogg’s Cul Camps
Rathkeale GAA Club will hold the annual Kellogg’s Cul Camp from July 11th to July 15th in the Bog Garden. All bookings need to be processed online through the following link: https://www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie/ Please ensure you sign up today in what is always a fantastic and enjoyable week for our kids!
Club Limerick Draw April 2022
Congratulations to Neil Ryan who won €100 in the April Club Limerick Draw, we hope you enjoy spending your winnings. Best of luck too all our members for the May Club Limerick Draw, which will take place on May 28th. Fantastic prizes on offer as always, with the Exclusive Star prize being a set of Garden Furniture, in association of Tadhg O’Connors. Remember it is never too late to join and you can sign up today by contacting one of our promoters, or by using the following link: https://clublimerick.ie/draw/#join
(Ensure you select Rathkeale GAA Club if completing the Online Form).
Club Membership Now Due
Club membership for the 2022 season is now due. Rates for the upcoming season are as follows:
Adult Player – €50
Under-18 Player – €20
Adult Non-Player – €30
Family (2 Adults – 1-6 Children) – €70
Registration can be processed easily on the Foireann website, the link can be found on our Facebook page. If you haven’t registered online previously, you simply just need to create a profile and select Rathkeale GAA as your club. All players must pay their membership prior to taking part in any games or training. This will be strictly enforced this year so ensure sure you register today, should you have any queries please contact Eoin O’Donnell our Club Registrar.
Also please note that there are various criteria to meet when it comes to allocating ticket(s) for the higher profile intercountry games for 2022. There are four different criteria and it is important that those applying for tickets finish as high up the rankings as possible. Criteria is as follows:
1) Paid Club Member for 2022
2) Paid Club Limerick Draw Member for 2022
3) Player, Management Team Member, Committee Member or Active Club Volunteer
4) Purchaser of Fundraiser Tickets
Follow us on Twitter & Facebook To keep in touch and receive updates of last minute fixture changes, match results and live match updates, follow us on Twitter and Instagram at the tag @RathkealeGAA. Also to become a friend on facebook go to www.facebook.com/#!/Rathkealegaa and simply like our page! It’s all about keeping in touch and getting live up