We are BACK with the MyLife’s latest challenge in partnership with the GAA Community & Health department. Every Step Counts 2022. This challenge is in support of GAA club and community members taking part in Ireland Lights Up 2022.
We’re asking our club to track a collective 4,000km over 5 weeks (that’s roughly the distance around Ireland!) between 12th January – 16th February to be entered into our prize draw.
To take part simply register with Mungret St. Pauls via the My life app
It was with great sadness when we heard of the death of Michael Reynolds. Michael was a true Mungret man and wore the number three jersey with distinction, creating fear in any full forward whom he marked. Playing for over two decades he always reserved his outstanding performances for the games against Ballybrown. His tradition was carried on by his three sons who wore the red on many a day.
In the late 70s, when the club embarked upon its building program we purchased the old Neodata prefabs in Killmallock and Michael provided the transport and refreshments over a number of Saturdays. In later years, many a young hurler got heartfelt words of encouragement from “Mikey” following a match, especially if a moment of toughness was displayed, you could even have a poem in your honour to be recited at the next dinner dance.
Michael was also a renowned dairy farmer, winning the Kerry Quality award twice, in 1979 and 1996 all from his farm in the heart of Mungret St. Pauls parish. Michaels passing will be a huge loss to the club and community, to Kathleen, Gerry, Mary, James, Catherine, Nuala, Bertie and all his extended family we extend our deepest sympathies on the loss of a great Mungret Man.
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The Club Limerick Draw is one of our main fundraisers with 50% of the entrant fee returned to our local club. We strongly urge all club members to support this vital fundraiser and hopefully claim some of the wonderful prizes on offer. The cost of entry is €10 per draw. You can still sign up online via the new Club Limerick website at, remembering to select Mungret St. Pauls as the nominated club during the process.
Mungret St. Pauls have a club phone which sends out information about the club and what is going on by a Whats App broadcast (which means your details are not shown to anyone). If you would like to get included in the club news broadcast text your name to 0858679962.