Glenroe GAA Co.Limerick over the finish line.
This 90x45m includes a state of the art LED Lighting system with a precast skills wall incorporated into the middle of the pitch.
What a project this has turned out to be.
Thanks to JNC Premier Pitches and Fencing who completed this is super time and excellent quality, while being an absolute pleasure to work with.
The first training session under lights took place this Monday night with the Bord Na nOg testing it out which makes us very proud in the club helping our future stars have a great platform to shine on.
Glenroe GAA Club Lotto Draw Results on 22/09/2022 Jackpot €7,000
Numbers drawn: 06,08,09 & 11
No Jackpot Winner.
Lucky Dip Winners & Promoters.
€30 – Bobby Kelly.
€30 – Martina Tobin.
€30 – Liam Drake.
€20 – Evie Coffey.
€20 – PJ Moloney.
€20 – Lilly Kenneally
Next draw on Thursday October 6th 2022 Jackpot €7,200
Glenroe GAA Club gear in now available on the O’ Neills website. You can log onto
Glenroe GAA Development Project
New AstroTurf for Glenroe GAA
We have received an amazing €143,000 from Sports Capital and a further €70,000 from Tomar Trust to get our Project underway. We must now commence a massive fundraising campaign to raise in excess of €100,000. A number of events will be organised in 2022/2023 to ensure we reach our target. To commence our fundraising activities We are asking you to consider sponsoring a square of AstroTurf at a cost of €250. This square of AstroTurf can be sponsored by an individual or a family. We also ask that if you do wish to support our campaign that you do so through the Tax Relief Scheme. All what this will imply for you is the filling out of a form but the financial gains for our development project will be huge. Should you require any further information or have any questions and/or queries do not hesitate to contact a member of our Fundraising Committee (contact details attached). Forms for Tax Relief Scheme available from the club or any member of the fundraising committee. These forms were also distributed at our Launch Night in the Firgrove on April 30th. You can also donate online through Swoofee on the Glenroe Social Media Pages.
Best of luck to the Premier Intermediate Team
Best of luck to Glenroe’s Premier Intermediate team and management in their last group game against Dromin/Athlacca in Kilfinane Saturday the 8th of October at 3:00pm. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Keep an eye out on Socials on link to buy tickets for the game.