Following a number of weeks in shutdown due to Covid-19, Galbally GAA are returning to action in the coming days with a provisional fixture list in operation and clarity regarding use of GAA facilities. There will be requirements of players and members and everyone is asked to adhere to these in the interests of preventing a second wave of Covid-19. All patrons are urged to pay their membership immediately if it was not done due to the shutdown. The Split the Pot fundraiser will be returning in due course and further information will follow.
In the meantime another Galbally GAA fundraiser is taking place in conjunction with Ballylanders GAA and Pieta house. The Distance Derby is spearheaded by Limerick GDA Gary McCarthy from a Galbally perspective along with some Ballylanders players. A duathlon will take place among the players from both sides and the general public will walk, run or cycle as both sides aim to outdo one another in the kilometre stakes. The players will complete at 10km run, a 40km cycle and a 5km run. Contributions will be made locally and online with further details to emerge shortly. Keep an eye on social media for promotional videos and images #DistanceDerby