Junior teams.
East Limerick junior b football final result, Fedamore 1:9 – 3:16 Knockane. It wasn’t our day and congratulations to Knockane. With more than 7 of the team in their debut season there is hope for the future along with those promising players at underage levels. The clubs next game will be the county quarter hurling final vs Bruree on Sunday 6th. Throw in is at 11.30am in Croom
This week’s lotto numbers are 2, 12, 14 and 26. There was no winner of the jackpot which is now worth €12,600. The lucky dip winners of €25 each are Jim Doran c/o Dempsey’s, Hurley family c/o John, Eileen Skeehan and Aodan Hurley. The next draw is Sunday, October 6th in Kirby’s. Thanks for your support.
2.5k/5k Run/Walk in association with Cliona Ring Foundation.
We had a great start to our 5k run series last Thursday in Fedamore. Thanks to all the runners, walkers and stewards. The second night of four in this series is on Thursday October 3rd. Registration is from 6.30pm in the GAA field with race starting at 7pm sharp. All are welcome and please bring a friend.