Fedamore Parish night out on Saturday April 13th in Kirbys pub. Race night, live entertainment, DJ and prizes including best dressed lady competition. Tickets are €5 and all support appreciated.

Congratulations to Darragh O Keeffe on being selected for the Limerick minor football squad.

Bord Na Nóg Training
Training continues every Saturday in Ballybricken astro turf for boys and girls u6 to u12 from 1.30-2.30pm.

This week’s numbers are 19, 23, 24 and 28. There was no winner of the jackpot which is now worth €9,800. The lucky dip winners of €25 each were Ryan’s & O’Rourkes c/o Kirbys, Shane O Neill, Jim Martin and Tina & Derek Malone c/o Carol Keehan. Next week’s draw is on Sunday March 24th in Kirby’s. Thanks for your support.

Con and Annie Kirby Memorial
We look forward to supporting the Con and Annie Kirby Memorial race again this year which starts on Saturday March 23rd in Limerick Greyhound stadium.

Membership is now open for 2019. Membership fees can be paid to Eoghan Hurley, Kevin Power or Isaac O’Callaghan. The fees are adult player €40, juvenile player/student €25, Non Playing Member €30, family €60. Closing date for Membership is April 30th.