Fedamore GAA Lotto
Jackpot is now €11,200 as there was no winner again this week. Numbers this week are 18, 21, 25 and 27. The lucky dip winners of €25 each were Denis Harrington, Helen McCarthy c/o Johnny McCarthy, Shane Fitzgerald and Bridget Hogan Meanus. Next week’s draw is on Monday July 1st in Kirbys. Thanks for your support.

Fedamore Sports Day
Due to the bad weather we have postponed the sports day until Thursday June 27th. Fancy dress will start at 6.30pm from Fedamore school with first race at 7pm from the GAA grounds. Lots of fun for the family with kids races, art competition, mother and father races, long puck, kick in the tyre and bbq also. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Bord na nOg
Training every Monday evening at 6.45pm in Fedamore GAA pitch. There are numerous challenge games lined up in the next few week so please see social media for further details.

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