Membership 2021
With the ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic it is now more important than ever to ensure Club Membership is paid to cover affiliation and Insurance costs. All membership needs to be paid by March 31, to ensure both the club and players are insured for the year by Croke Park. Membership can be paid online at https://clubforce.com/…/dromcollogher-broadford-gaa…/ or by contacting any committee member. Adult Player €50 Adult Player & Spouse €70 Adult Non Playing €30 Non – Playing Couple €50 Under 19 Player €30 Juvenile (U17 & under) €30 Family (2 Adult & 2 Juveniles (U17 & under)) €100 Family (2 Adults & 3+ Juveniles) €110
Defibrillator Upgrade
Our defibrillator needs to be upgraded so we have signed up to this wonderful initiative being organised by the GAA Community Heart Program and Stryker. Our defibrillator is stored outside our clubhouse so it’s available to all community members. Community Heart Program in association with Stryker have stated in the last number of years, 42 lives across Ireland have been saved by defibrillators located in GAA facilities being used on members of their communities. This was only possible due to operational, accessible and correctly maintained defibrillators being in place. Please donate with link below. https://savealife.communityheartprogram.com/…/dromcollo…
Assistance Needed Dromcollogher/Broadford GAA are looking for help with our underage teams. Due to large panels of players and due to the requirements for each management team we need your help. Any assistance would be welcome. Please contact our club coaching officer Seanie Buckley @ 086 335 1129
Covid Level 5 Restrictions
Please note that we are now in Level 5 restrictions so the club grounds and all indoor facilities are now closed until further notice.
Dromcollogher/ Broadford GAA Club Lotto Draw
The following are the Results of the Lotto Draw that took place on the 04-04-2021, and the numbers were: 8, 12, 16, 32. There was no winner of Jackpot at 11,300 and there was three winners of match three at €105 and they each got €35 and they was: John Cahill, Dromcollogher, Emma Browne, Broadford and Ciaran, Conor and Tom (Junior) McLoughlin and the Lucky Dips at €50 each were: Karl O’Donnell (App), Fedamore and John Browne, Newcastle West and next week’s draw will take place on this coming Sunday 11-04-21, in the GAA Field, Dromcollogher and the Jackpot will be going up to 11,400 and the Match Three will be staying at €100.
As of the 8th of March we have lotto boxes in the following premises
Meaney’s Centra Dromcollogher,
O’Connors Butchers Dromcollogher,
Dromcollogher Post Office,
Broadford Post Office,
The Shop Moloneys Broadford,
Drom Pharmacy Dromcollogher,
O’Sullivan Forecourt Feohanagh
To enter please fill in our normal ticket and place your ticket and the required entry fee in the envelope supplied and post it in the box.
Team Limerick Clean Up
Thanks to everyone that took part in TLC 2021 great to see our community neat and tidy
Dromcollogher/ Broadford GAA Club O’Neill’s online shop
There is a good few new items in Dromcollogher/ Broadford GAA Club gear is available online with O’Neill’s on the online shop and the link is as follows: https://www.oneills.com/…/dromcollogher-broadford-gaa.html.