Croom GAA Club Notes:

Croom Bord na nOg Notes:

2023 Season:
Croom Bord Na nOg are looking for volunteers to help with coaching, organising team events, catering club events, organizing fund raisers, etc.., If you feel that you are able to help out in any way please contact:
P.J. O’Mahony 085 7161505 / Trevor Costello 087 0691023 or Breda O’Dwyer 086 8798219

Croom G.A.A. Lotto:
Play Online:
Weekly Lotto Draw
Next Week’s Draw 27th November 2023
No Jackpot Winner, €10,400
Croom GAA Clubhouse
Numbers drawn: 3, 24, 25, 30
Lucky Dips:
Pat Quirke , Garranroe Croom(Online);
Marilyn Lawlor, Limerick;
Mary & Seamie , C/O Hogans Bar;
Anthony Manning, Fedamore;
Olivia Storan , C/O Storans Bar.

Our Annual St Stephen’s Day Fun Run:
Fancy getting out for some fresh air and exercise over Christmas? Why not pop down to our annual Fun Run/Walk/Cycle on St. Stephen’s Day starting and finishing at the clubhouse? Maybe bring the kids to test out their new bikes/trikes from Santa? The event starts at 10.30am with registration starting from 10am.
Everybody from the community is welcome, particularly families. This year we are having an additional special prize category for ‘Croom’s Fittest Family’. Families of at least 1 adult and kids up to 15 years of age can compete, with the winning family being the first to have each family member back at the finish line. Entry: Adult €10, Child<12 €5, Family €25. There will be refreshments and light snacks for all attendees. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd male and female runners and of course Croom’s Fittest Family! We hope to see you there on the day for a bit of fun and exercise! Contact Breda O’Dwyer for further information 0868798219

Street League:
Our street league hurling started on Tuesday 07th of November.
We saw 8 teams on the night, there was great skills and fun to be had by all.
Our street league will continue on Tuesday 28th of November for round 4.
A huge thanks to the coaches and parents for giving up their time for this.