U21 Premier Championship

Our U21’s play their second game of the championship against Garryspillane on Wednesday evening at 8pm in Doon. Having lost their first game to Mungret/St Pauls, this game is a must win for them and on behalf of the club we would like to wish them and their management team the very best of luck on Wednesday.

Limerick Junior Camogie

We would like to congratulate Ann Kennedy who has been named as joint captain of the Limerick Junior Camogie team for the 2020 season. A fantastic achievement for Ann and her family and we are all very proud of her here in Ahane.

CAM Cancer Coffee Morning

Lisnagry NS Parents Association are hosting a coffee morning for the Castleconnell Ahane Montpelier (CAM) Cancer Support Group on Friday, February 14th, 11am until 1.30pm in Lisnagry School Hall.

All are welcome! CAM do wonderful, and largely unseen, work in our community so all support would be hugely appreciated. Please come along and make this a great event for CAM Cancer Support. Raffle on the day!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge is approaching and a family fun day targeted at children aged 8/9 and under will be held at Ahane GAA Club on the 14th March 2020 2-4pm!

This is a great opportunity for them on the week of St Patrick’s Day to practice the cupla focail!

For all the details please head to our Facebook page, you will find us at Ahane GAA Club!

Go raibh maith agat!

Ciorcal Comhrá

We had our first ciorcal comhrá on Thursday evening in the club house! There was a variety of abilities among those who attended which was great to see!

It was a great hour of gaeilge, tae, brioscaí agus an rud is tábhachtaí craic!

Well done to everyone who came and we are looking forward to seeing you all and anyone else who wants to come along and speak a bit of Gaeilge and have a cupán tae at our next ciorcal comhrá!

An céad ciorcal comhrá eile ar an 5ú lá de mhí Mhárta 9-10pm!