U9 Hurling
Last December our then u8s now u9s recorded a very special video with their own Limerick hurling take on the lyrics of Jingle Bells on a cold night in Mackey Park for a Team Limerick Clean-Up competition and won.
The prize was a training session with a member of the Limerick senior hurling team and for our final session of 2021 on Monday 22nd November we were joined by Limerick hero Diarmaid Byrnes!
Great fun was had as each of the children got to take a shot on Diarmaid who gave them some tips and spoke about the importance of practising over the winter. We would like to thank Diarmaid for giving his time so generously to the children. Thanks too to Team Limerick clean up.
As we finish up for 2021 we would like to thank the children who showed up for each session and blitz with enthusiasm and excitement, they kept all the mentors going through a hard year. It was great to get back to training in the summer and all the players came on as we trained and played in blitzes. Best of luck to the children born in 2012 who move onto u11s next year. Thanks also to the parents for their co-operation and support all year.
Finally, thanks to the u9 mentors and covid supervisors for their dedication all year. Ahane abú!
More photos on Facebook and Twitter of our session with Diarmaid Byrnes.
U11 Hurling
Well done to our u11s who played their last blitz of 2021 this Friday evening 26th November in UL v Kilmaley. It was a bitterly cold evening but turnout was great. Two great matches played. Many thanks to our opposition for travelling.
Ahane u11s have improved so much over the year and put in great effort at training and in all their matches. We wish the kids moving on to u13s the very best. Many thanks to the coaches and covid officers for their commitment and effort all year. Thanks too to the parents for all their support. Ahane abú!
U12 Hurling
Our u12s finished off 2021 with a final session in the ball wall on the 26th November where they had a special guest…our own All-Ireland winning hero Dan Morrissey! Many thanks to Dan for coming to the session and coaching the group on skills.
Well done to this group of players who have shown huge commitment and drive all year. We can’t wait to see what they do next year. Thanks to the covid officers with this group and the parents for their support taking the team to matches and supporting them. Huge thanks to the coaches…it’s a big commitment to coach an underage team and the work they do is appreciated.
Fundamental Movement as Gaeilge
Bhain gach duine sult as an seisiún deireanach don cúrsa bungluaiseacht. A great session to finish up, with Dan Morrissey dropping in for the cúpla focal. Buíochas mór le Maura Tierney as a cuid oibre gach seachtain. Átháin abú, Gaeilge abú
Jigsaw – Resources for Parents in Supporting Young Peoples Mental Health
Jigsaw are running a number of courses for parents all centred around giving them better knowledge around youth mental health, the issues impacting the mental health and well-being of young people, how to support young people to manage anxiety, self-care during the winter and supporting young people who may be struggling with their mental health at school along with loads of other webinars!
They also have support resources for parents where they can ask questions anonymously and these questions will be answered by Jigsaw clinicians.
They also have online supports for young people between 12-25 such as 1:1 live chats or group chats (the person will remain anonymous in the group chat and if they wish to stay anonymous in the live 1:1 chat they can do so)
Links to the online courses can be found here: Self-Care for Parents: https://jigsaw.ie/self-care-course-for-parents/ Mental Health Awareness for Parents: https://jigsaw.ie/mental-health-awareness-course-for…/
Recorded Webinars for Parents (including questions from parents) Supporting young people to manage anxiety: https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-managing-anxiety/ Self-Care during the winter months: https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-self-care-during-winter-months/
Supporting young people struggling with their mental health in school https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-struggling-with-mental-health/ Supporting young people while in lockdown: https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-supporting-young-people/ Helping Young People to Adjust to Change: https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-adjusting-to-change/ Helping Young People Manage Disappointment: https://jigsaw.ie/webinar-managing-disappointment/
Supports for Parents Ask Jigsaw – submit your anonymous questions here https://jigsaw.ie/ask-jigsaw/
Online Supports for Young People Between 12- 25 years old Live 1:1 Chat https://jigsaw.ie/talk-online/live-chat/ Group Chat https://jigsaw.ie/talk-online/group-chats/ Supporting young people to deal with the Coronavirus: https://jigsaw.ie/young-people-coronavirus/ Self-Care Tool for Parents: https://jigsaw.ie/snack-self-care-tool/ School Avoidance: https://jigsaw.ie/school-avoidance/ Supporting the transition to secondary school: https://jigsaw.ie/supporting-the-transition-to-secondary…/
We hope these resource help anyone who needs them
Ahane GAA Club Health & Wellness Team
Ahane GAA Club are holding our AGM on Sunday 12th December at 8pm. This year our meeting will be held in the clubhouse unless we are advised otherwise closer to the time. Mass for all the deceased members of the club will be held (also remotely) in St Joseph’s Church Castleconnell on Sunday 12th December at 11:30am.
Upcoming Fixture
Our U21’s are in the U21 B Football County Championship Quarter Final the weekend of December 4th/5th. When we get all the details we will post them on our social media pages so keep an eye out!