Calling all South Liberties Supporters , a novel way to help promote and fund raise at South Liberties, is a “Sponsor a Tin of Paint” initiative. To help with the upkeep of the South Liberties club house, it needs a new coat of paint. We are asking people of the community to help towards this cost of paint, and sponsor a tin or two at €50. Your support would be greatly appreciated. Please enclose your donation in an envelope, mark it PAINT DONATION along with your name and address and pass it along to one of the committee or drop it into Maurice Barretts post box across from club entrance.

Anyone that’s in the process of getting rid of unwanted cloths, shoes, bed linen etc we will gladly take it off you. Bags can be brought to the club house on training nights/match days. Collection can be arranged for anyone unable to drop off bags. Please let family and friends know as it raises much needed funds for our underage teams.

Field Committee
We are looking to start a field/pitch maintenance committee at South Liberties, to help look after and maintain the playing facilities at South Liberties. We are having an open day next Saturday and are looking for volunteers to come back to the pitches and help us to get the pitches ready for April. Please contact Mike Fitzpatrick at 089468574 if interested.

Membership for 2019 is now due, forms will be available from club house during training and will be distributed to players. Membership unchanged from 2018 Family €100, Adult player €55,Juvenile player €35, Adult supporter €50.

Club Draw
Anyone interested in joining the Limerick club draw can contact Jack O Brien 0879438051 this brings much needed revenue to the club and there is great prizes on offer each month.

U14 Hurling
Our U14 hurlers played their first match of the season taking on Ahane in a challenge game. We had a good turn out of 18 players with each player getting good game time. Our rustiness showed in the first half as Ahane were quickly out of the blocks and took some good scores. The Ahane goalkeeper made some good saves denying Joe Buckey on a couple of occasions. In the 2nd half we improved and performed much better settling well into the game. Starting to play to the level that we know we are capable of we outscored our opponents in the second half.
Panel on the day Colin O Neill, Joe Hegarty, Sean Enright, Joe Buckley, Tola Bourke McCurtain, Jed O Dwyer, Paul Franklin, Oisin Quinlivan, Fionn Casserly, Sean Fitzpatrick, Callum Godfrey, Sean Nolan, Mark Stapleton, Ben Compton, Tiernan Dunne, Bill Hannon, Harry Cummins, Kieran Godfrey.
We hope to get another challenge game this weekend before our league kicks off on Wednesday April 3rd away to Na Piarsaigh.

U12 Hurling
The U12 hurlers played Ballybrown in a highly entertaining end to end match last Friday night.

Training continues Saturday mornings 9am to 10.15am on Astro pitch.

No Winner March 19th draw.
Numbers drawn 6,9,11,13
Lucky dips
Jackie & Alan c/o Wurth
Clare Quinlivan
Alvin O Connor, Rahin, Grange
Rebecca Hayes c/o Josephine Hayes
Aaron Rea
John, Gee & Aiden O Callaghan.

Next weeks jackpot €7,900 Draw takes place in The Four Elms Tuesday 26th @ 10.45pm.