CLUB LIMERICK DRAW 2020: The Club Limerick Draw is returning for 2020 on Saturday June 6. Due to Covid-19, the selling arrangements will be slightly different to ensure public safety.

Subscriptions can be bought in four different manners: Firstly – online at Secondly, you can pay directly to a Bank Account (contact Siobhan 0873520395 for full details. Thirdly, please email Siobhan at Lastly, please make contact with Patrickswell GAA Club via Seamus O’Riordan at 0872869175.

There will be ten draws condensed over eight months, with two June draws and two December draws. As usual, each monthly draw is €10 (or €100 per annum). Remember that the club retains a minimum of 50%.

CORONA VIRUS: All club activities remain suspended for the duration of the crisis.

Following instructions from the Government and in the interest of public health, Patrickswell GAA Clubhouse & Field is closed. There is no known date for re-opening.

This includes the use of our pitch and property for any purpose – including walking, casual games or any gatherings. No exceptions are permitted.

HELPING HAND: A committee has been formed to assist locals who may need assistance during the current corona virus situation. The coordinator is Mary Gillane at 0863695155