LOTTO: The latest Lotto draw took place on Thursday March the 10th with the jackpot standing at €10,200. The numbers drawn were 6, 13, 28 and 29. Winners of the €50 lucky dip were V.Keating Golf Links Road, P.Quinlan Heatherdale, G.Powell Fedamore and J.Cullen c/o Morrissons. Thank you for your continued support.
We are delighted to let you know also that the WHITE LOTTO TICKETS ARE BACK. Tickets are now on sale in Monaleen Stores, Morrisons Bar and our Club Shop. Cost €2.
Please support Monaleen GAA Club by:
Entering a Team
Sponsoring a tee box
Sponsoring a prize
Team of 3 €240 to include on course refreshments, use of driving bays for warm up and dinner after your round.
Tee Box Sponsorship €100
Contact any member of the Golf Committee for further details
Tony Power 087 6359454
John Noonan 086 7935120
Shane Moynihan 085 8804571
Pat Ryan 087 7793744
Paul Hackett 086 2428290
Kevin Brosnan 086 8583181
Pat Maher 087 2568561
Brendan Flood 087 4184294
***Teams are selling up quickly for this event so please contact one of the above members if you are interested in taking part.
Saturday 19th March, City Senior Football League – Monaleen V Claughan @Monaleen 3pm
Sunday 20th March, East Junior Football League – Monaleen V Ahane @Monaleen 12pm
CONGRATULATIONS to Ronan Lyons on winning the All Ireland Freshers Hurling Championship with UL. This completed the League and Championship double in Freshers hurling.
MONALEEN CAMOIGE. Training for u6 girls (girls born in 2016) will start on Sunday March 27th 11-12am. Please bring hurley, helmet, shinguards and a labelled bottle of water. Details will be taken on the day. Any questions or any parent interested in helping out please contact Margaret Burke or Nicola Twomey
MEMBERSHIP: Monaleen GAA Club membership for 2022 is now due and must be paid prior to 31st of March 2022. Membership must be processed through Foireann at
Please note that only those who are fully paid up adult members prior to the 31st of March can be included in draws for All Ireland Tickets or to have a vote at the club AGM.
Please also note that Juvenile Members and Social Members (including Tennis Club and Golf Society) do not quality for these entitlements. Any social member may pay the top up to become a full member of the club for ticket or vote purposes, provided the full rate is paid before March 31st.
For 2022, the club has streamlined its membership rates as follows:
All ADULT Players and First Juvenile Players in a family €100.00
A €10 reduction is applied for each subsequent underage player in the same family.
All other Members including coaches/officers/committee members: €75.00
Social Membership: €30.00
All players must pay their membership prior to undertaking any club activities as you are not covered for any injuries prior to membership being paid.
Thank you
CODE OF BEHAVIOUR (UNDERAGE): Croke Park are currently in the process of revising the current Cod of Behaviour for Underage following a process of consultation within the association. The Code is a vital reference and policy document that is enshrined in Rule. It acts as a daily guidance to Clubs and County Committees in our work with children and it also directs us in fulfilling our legal safeguarding responsibilities.
Unlike previous codes the revised and updated version will be available online only and shall be available to download by GAA Clubs and members from
A feature of the new Code is that each section has been designed to download as a standalone leaflet. This means that it will not be necessary for you or others to download the entire Code. You can simply access a particular section or even a subsection thus saving you time and the bother of printing multiple pages that may not be required at the time.
The most sought-after section of the code of behaviour has always been section 3, now titled Maintaining Good Practice and Behaviour. This revised section outlines the minimum levels of behaviour we expect and accept from young players, from our coaches, their parents, our clubs, referees and supporters. The link to this section can be found at…/image/upload/iffeoynpytq94ysf6q5v.pdf
CLUBHOUSE BOOKINGS: Get in early with your clubhouse booking. Now that Holy Communion and Confirmation dates have been confirmed, we have had quite a few people contact us to book the clubhouse and the diary is filling up fast, which is fantastic. If you are planning on holding an event in the clubhouse please contact Alan Kitson at 087 7766022 as soon as possible