Club Lotto Draw: Our club lotto draw, has returned this week with the 1st draw, taking, place Monday 17 May. The Jackpot is now €5500. Tickets can be purchased in local shops from any committee member or online via Klubfunder link available on our Facebook page. One line costs €2 or you can avail of the special offer 3 lines for €5. All support is greatly appreciated.…/Hospital…/lotto
National Club Draw: Best of luck to all members who have entered into the National Club Draw this draw will now take place on the 4 June.
Thank you to all those who donated to our recent clothes collection. Your support was very much appreciated.
Club Limerick Draw 2021: don’t forget you can support the club this year by entering this draw. For €100 in total you can enter each monthly draw for 2021When you support the #CLUBLkDraw you are supporting your local GAA club as half of your money goes to your nominated club.The purpose of the CLUB Limerick draw is to provide funding for our Football & hurlers training fund from Minor to Senior Grades. Join the CLUB Limerick draw today visit
“Supporting the Future Success of our Clubs & County Teams” Contact Pat Foley our draw co-ordinator on 0868593838.
Keep Walking Keep Well Campaign: Now that Spring has finally arrived, in partnership with Healthy Ireland and Sport Ireland, we are delighted to announce a new 6 week Keep Walking, Keep Well walking initiative. This initiative will take place in April, May and June 2021 with the support of the GAA, Athletics Ireland, Cricket Ireland, Hockey Ireland, the FAI and the IRFU. Please download the app and log your daily walks each day.