Club Lotto Draw:
Our club lotto continues weekly every Monday night. Our next draw will take place in Wrights on Monday Jan 23rd. Last week’s numbers were 2, 12, 20, 27. Unfortunately, we had no jackpot winner however our lucky dip winners 5 x €20 were Shane c/o Wild Bill, Chloe Wright Herbertstown, Denis Wallace Herbertstown, Karl Conway Herbertstown, Jim & Mgt Riall Ballinamona. Sellers Prize Tina Deegan. Next jackpot is now €10,000. Reserve Jackpot is €4,900. Tickets can be purchased in local shops from any committee member or online link available on our Facebook page. One line costs €2 or you can avail of the special offer of 3 lines for €5. All support is greatly appreciated.
Club Limerick Draw 2023:
The Club Limerick Draw for 2023 will be starting again in late March. When you support the #CLUBLkDraw you are supporting your local GAA club as half of your money goes to your nominated club. The purpose of the Club Limerick draw is to provide funding for our footballers and hurlers training fund from Minor to Senior grades. Thank you to everyone who supported the draw in 2022 and congratulations to our winners. More details to follow for 2023 draw in the coming weeks.
Limerick Senior Hurling:
Congratulations to Conor O Grady who made his Senior debut for the Limerick Hurling team in the Munster League against Cork on Sunday last. Limerick with a very experimental team put in a really positive performance only losing out by 0.20 to 1.16 and Conor chipped in with point in what was a great day for Conor & the club. Conor will now make his first start at centre forward vs Kerry in Austin Stack Park. Best of luck from everyone.
2023 Club Membership:
Membership can now be paid for the coming year. It can be bought on the An Foireann website. Its easy to register & use to pay for 2023.
Healthy Club:
Ireland Lights Up continues every Wednesday night from the church carpark at 7pm continuing until February 15th. It’s a great way to meet up for a chat & a laugh. Please bring Hi-Vis and torch. Please sign up for My Life walking challenge. Download app, enter details & register under Hospital/Herbertstown Gaa Club. Every step counts & best of luck to everyone.
Club Gear:
Available on O’Neill’s website including our club jerseys.
Memory Lane:
Keep an eye on our social media pages for trips down memory lane for club and county. If you have memories that you would like shared please email photo and details to and we will gladly share them.