Granagh-Ballingarry GAA Club Notes:

Fifth Mary Sexton Memorial Cup Win for Granagh-Ballingarry:
West Limerick Junior B Hurling Championship Final
Granagh-Ballingarry 1-13 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-11
At sunny Killeedy GAA Club Grounds in Raheenagh on Sunday afternoon. West and County Junior B Hurling league champions Granagh-Ballingarry recorded a hard fought five point 1-13 to 0-11 victory over unlucky Feohanagh Castlemahon who were reduced to 14 players twelve minutes into the second half when their scorer in chief Jamie Butler was shown a red card to claim their fifth West Limerick Junior B Hurling championship title a first since 2020 and the Mary Sexton Memorial Perpetual Cup.
A big crowd attended this hard-fought West Junior B Hurling Championship final replay. It was played on an excellent pitch with Joe Mulcahy of the local club in charge. League champions Granagh-Ballingarry with the wind at their backs dominated the opening seven minutes at Raheenagh with four unanswered white flags from open play through Jim O’Keeffe (two), Eoin Horgan and Mick Carroll before Jamie Butler finally got the Feohanagh Castlemahon boys of the mark when he split the uprights from a placed ball to reduce the deficit to three Granagh-Ballingarry 0-4 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-1 on 9 minutes. Five minutes later after inaccurate shooting by both sides particularly Granagh-Ballingarry. Jamie Butler of Feohanagh Castlemahon finally found the range when he split the uprights from a placed ball onn 15 minutes cancelled out a minute later from a placed ball by Owen Lynch to leave three again between the sides Granagh-Ballingarry 0-5 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-2 on 16 minutes. A couple of wides were exchanged before Granagh-Ballingarry captain John Carroll split the uprights from long range to extend the boys from Knockfierna advantage to four 0-6 to 0-2 on 18 minutes. Then after three minutes of scoreless play the game turned nicely in the Granagh-Ballingarry boys’ favour when a long delivery out of defence by Mark O’Shea was collected by John O’Grady who led off to Brendan Lynch who finished past Feohanagh Castlemahon keeper Donn Malone to the delight of the large Granagh-Ballingarry support present to leave seven between the sides Granagh-Ballingarry 1-6 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-2 on 22 minutes. The Feohanagh Castlemahon boys failed to be overawed with a pair of white flags from a placed ball courtesy of Jamie Butler on 25 and 27 minutes before points were traded from placed balls by Owen Lynch on 29 and Jamie Butler on 30 minutes to leave five between the sides Granagh-Ballingarry 1-7 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-5 at the interval.
Feohanagh Castlemahon with the wind at their backs dominated the opening five minutes after the interval with a pair of white flags though Jamie Butler from a placed ball and Kieran Guina their first from open play to reduce the deficit to three 1-7 to 0-7 on 35 minutes. A couple of wides were exchanged before Brendan Lynch split the uprights from open play to extend the Granagh-Ballingarry boys advantage to four 1-8 to 0-7 on 38 minutes a couple of wides were exchanged before Feohanagh Castlemahon were hit with a major blow when they were reduced to 14 players when their scorer in chief was shown a straight red card on 42 minutes before Owen Lynch extended the Granagh-Ballingarry boys advantage to five two minutes later when he split the uprights from a placed ball to leave it 1-9 to 0-7 on 44 minutes. The white flags were traded by Eoin Lynch from open play on 46 minutes and substitute Jamie Whelan from a placed ball on 48 minutes before a pair of white flags for Granagh-Ballingarry through John O’Grady from open play on 50 minutes and Owen Lynch from a placed ball three minutes to leave seven between the sides Granagh-Ballingarry 1-12 Feohanagh Castlemahon 0-8 on 53 minutes. The Feohanagh Castlemahon boys despite being reduced to 14 players failed to be overawed with a pair of white flags courtesy of Jamie Whelan from a placed ball two minutes later to reduce the deficit to four 0-11 to 1-12 on 58 minutes. Wides were exchanged before Brendan Lynch split the uprights from open play one minute into added time to extend Granagh-Ballingarry boys advantage to five to bring his tally for the game to 1-2. The final few minutes of added time saw play flowing from end to end with both sides creating chances which they failed to convert. At the final whistle Granagh-Ballingarry were five points 1-13 to 0-11 winners of their fifth West Junior B Hurling Championship title in 20 years a first since 2020 and the Mary Sexton Memorial Perpetual cup to add to the West and Junior B Hurling league titles and Dinny Cup tournament yearly in the year and stretch the unbeaten run to sixteen. The Feohanagh Castlemahon were gutted to have lost their second final in four seasons to the boys from Knockfierna but were very sporting in defeat from frees. Feohanagh Castlemahon scored 0-2 from play 0-9 from frees.

After the game West board secretary Majella Scanlon congratulated Granagh-Ballingarry on winning their fifth West Limerick Junior B Hurling Title in 20 years. She praised Feohanagh Castlemahon for their part in the final and replay and complimented referee Joe Mulcahy and his officers and the Kileedy club for having everything in top class order. Wished both sides the best of luck in the county championship quarter finals and hoped to see one of them back in Raheenagh for the Munster Junior B Hurling championship. She then presented the Mary sexton Memorial cup to Granagh-Ballingarry winning captain John Carroll to the joy of the Granagh-Ballingarry supporters. John thanked team manager Conor O’Keeffe, selectors David Clancy, Andrew Holmes, Eoin Cahill and first aid officials Niamh O’Keeffe, Theresa Noonan and physio Calan Scott. He complimented Feohanagh Castlemahon on two great games, wished them the best of luck in the county quarter final and gave them three cheers.
Granagh-Ballingarry: Keith O’Kelly, Mickey O’Keeffe, Eoin Enright, Ger Ryan, Thomas O’Donovan, John Carroll (captain, 0-1), Mark O’Shea, Owen Lynch (0-4 frees), Pat Carroll, Jim O’Keeffe (0-25), Eoin Lynch (0-1), Mick Carroll (0-1), Eoin Horgan (0-1), John O’Grady (0-1), Brendan Lynch (1-2). Subs used Eoin Herlihy, Edward Sheehy, Kieran Condron, Padraig McKenna, Niall Carroll other panel members in the course of the championship Marcus Moore, Jack Hartnett, Aaron Smuith, Dean Clancy, Mark Tierney, Richie O’Keeffe, Brian Mulqueen, Brian Sheehy.
Feohanagh Castlemahon: Donn Malone, Michael Flynn, Sean Downey, Shane Brouder, Eoin Murphy, Patrick Lomasney, Conor Noonan, Niall Kenneally, Seamus McMaho, Padraig O’Donnell (0-1), Jamie Butler (0-6 frees), John Francis Reilly. Subs used: Jack Roche, Jamie Whelan (0-3 frees).
Referee: Joe Mulcahy, Killeedy.

Granagh Ballingarry 16 Game Unbeaten Results:
West Junior B Hurling League Group 1
Round 1 Granagh-Ballingarry 4-20 Monagea 1-8
Round 2 Granagh-Ballingarry 1-15 Kildimo Pallaskenry 3-6
Round 3 Granagh/Ballingarry 2-17, Knockaderry 2-9
Round 4 Granagh/Ballingarry, 5-17, Tournafulla 0-14

West Junior B Hurling League Semi Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 3-14, Croagh/Kilfinny 1-13.
West Junior B Hurling League Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 3-10, Kildimo/Pallaskenry 0-17
County Junior B Hurling League Semi Finals
Granagh/Ballingarry 0-16, Cappamore 2-9
County Junior B Hurling League Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 3-21, Caherline 1-13
Dinny A Cup Junior B Hurling Tournament Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 3-17, Camogue Rovers 3-14
West Junior B Hurling Championship Group 1
Round 1: Granagh/Ballingarry 3-20, Monagea 0-9
Round 2: Granagh/Ballingarry 4-23, Askeaton 0-8
Round 3: Granagh/Ballingarry 0-17, Adare 0-11

West Junior B Hurling Championship Quarter Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 1-17, Killeedy 2-5.
West Junior B Hurling Championship Semi Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 3-14, Knockaderry 0-7.
West Junior B Hurling Championship Final
Granagh/Ballingarry 0-12, Feohanagh/Castlemahon 0-12.

Granagh/Ballingarry West Junior B Hurling Championship Winning Teams
2003: Granagh/Ballingarry 3-9, Newcastlewest 2-8 at Croagh on Friday 3rd September 2003.
Granagh/Ballingarry: Jimmy Shiels, Liam Carroll, Ollie O’Brien, Aidan Barrett, Shane Clifford, Brian Fitzgerald (captain), Neil Dunworth, John Carroll (0-1), Kieran Mulqueen, Conor Mulqueen, John O’Sullivan (0-1), Brian Kennedy (0-1), Jim O’Keeffe (0-1), Billy O’Connor (2-1), John Paul Morisson (1-4). Subs Edmond Cullane, Neville O’Donnell, Kevin Caroll, Mick Houlihan, Mark Tierney, Andrew Holmes and Paul McCarthy.
Note: The Newcastlewest boys avenged this 8-week’#s inter with a 1 point 0-8 to 0-7 win to capture county championship honours on Sunday 28th October at Dromcollogher courtesy of a late Vincent Sheehan point.

At Dromcollogher on Saturday 19th September 2018.
Granagh/Ballingarry: Conor Mulqueen, Mickey O’Keeffe, Eoin Cahill, Stephen Hickey, Mark Tierney (captain), Michael Walsh, Edward Sheehy, Eoin Casey (0-1), Brian Fitzgerald, Mark Snow (0-1), Kieran Condron, Michael O’Rourke, Padraig Lynch (0-1), John O’Grady (0-7), Jack O’Donoghue (0-1). Subs Kevin O’Kelly (0-1), Richie O’Keeffe. Other panel members used in the course of the 2015 championship Neil Dunworth, Alan Chawke, Niall Carroll, Patrick Potter, Kevin Forde, Patrick Shelton, Aaron Smith, Brian Healy, Kevin Mulcahy, Gordon Cagney, James Hayes, Marcus Moore, Dean Clancy, Aaron O’Kelly, Brian Noonan, Niall Cahill and Brendan Lynch.

At Dromcollogher on Saturday 17th September 2016.
Granagh/Ballingarry: Jimmy shiels, Mickey O’Keeffe, Eoin Cahill, Michael O’Rourke (captain), Patrick Shelton, Thomas O’Donovan (0-2), Stephen Hickey, Edward Sheehy (0-1), Mark Snow (0-1), Marcus Moore (0-1), Brian Fitzgerald, Kevin O’Kelly (0-2), Eoin Casey (0-1), Damien O’Donovan (3-6), Darragh O’Grady. Six subs used: Kieran Condron. Other panel members used in the 2021 Championship were Conor Mulqueen, Michael Walsh, Richie O’Keeffe, Kieran O’Donovan, Brian Noonan, Aaron Smith, Patrick Potter, Neil Dunworth, Kevin Mulcahy, Niall Carroll, Brendan Lynch, John O’Grady, Cathal O’Keeffe and Eoin Kennedy.

At Dromcollogher on Friday 25th June 2021.
Granagh/Ballingarry: Jimmy Shiels (0-1 free), Mickey O’Keeffe, Donagh McCarthy, Mike Carroll, Brendan Lynch, Mark Tierney, Eoin Enright, Edward Sheehy, Mike O’Rourke, Seán Murphy, John O’Grady (0-2 frees), Brian Noonan, Jack Hartnett (0-1), Jim O’Keeffe (captain 0-1), Gearóid Lynch (0-5 2 frees). Subs used: Kevin Forde (0-1), Brian Mulqueen, Marcus Moore, Niall Carroll. Other panel members Conor Mulqueen, Richie O’Keeffe, Robert Noonan, Niall Fitzgerald, Kevin Mulcahy.

Granagh/Ballingarry West Junior B Hurling Championship Winning Captains
West Junior B Special Hurling Championship: 1994: Noel O’Brien (captain), 1995: Tom O’Keeffe (captain. 1996: Pat O’Connor (captain).

West Junior B Hurling Championship
2003: Brian Fitzgerald (captain), 2015: Mark Tierney (captain). 2016: Michael O’Rourke (captain). 2020: Jim O’Keeffe (captain), 2023: John Carroll (captain).

Granagh/Ballingarry Finish Top With Fifth Win
Limerick County Intermediate Hurling Championship
Group 2 Round 5
Granagh/Ballingarry ……….2-24
Granagh/Ballingarry recorded their fifth straight win in Group 2 of the Limerick County Intermediate Hurling Championship with a deserved 11 point 2-24 to 0-19 win over gallant Murroe/Boher played on the Astroturf pitch at UL North Campus on Saturday afternoon to finish top of the group on 10 points, 2 ahead of Knockainey to qualify for a semi final meeting with neighbours Bruree or Murroe/Boher on Saturday 14th October in Feenagh or Fedamore at 4pm.
Jonathan Hayes of St. Senan’s took charge of this final Group 2 County Intermediate Hurling Championship tie played in front of a good crowd despite the late change of venue on an excellent pitch.
Murroe/Boher made all the early running with a pair of white flags in as many minutes through Paudie McNamara (play) and Aaron Kennedy (free) before white flags were traded by Luke Flynn (play) and Darragh Kennedy (play), Seán Tobin (play) and Seán O’Connor (free), Aaran Kennedy (65) and Seán O’Connor (free) on 16 minutes, Cathal O’Keeffe (play) on 17 minutes, Evan Sheridan (play) on 18 minu8tes, Aaron Kennedy (play) on 19 minutes and Mike Russell (play) a minute later to leave it 0-9 each on 20 minutes. Then a pair of white flags for the Murroe Boher boys from open play through Paudie McNamara on 21 minutes and David Hickey who won a point back for Murroe Boher on 53 minutes before a trio of white flags courtesy of Seán O’Connor from a placed ball on 54 minutes, David Condron and Luke Flynn from open play on 55 and 57 minutes extended the Granagh/Ballingarry boys’ advantage to 13, 2-24 to 0-17. The final couple of minutes belonged to Seán Tobin with a pair of white flags from a placed ball on 58 minutes and open play on 60 minutes which was too little, too late for the Murroe/Boher boys.
At the final whistle the boys in black and green were worthy 11 point 2-24 to 0-19 winners of their fifth straight brace of points in Group 2 of the Limerick County Intermediate Hurling Championship to finish top of the group on 10 points, 2 ahead of Knockainey to qualify for a quarter final meeting with neighbours Bruree or Murroe/Boher on Saturday 14th October in Feenagh or Fedamore.
Granagh/Ballingarry scored 2-20 from play and 0-4 from frees. Murroe Boher scored 0-14 from play 0-4 from frees and 0-1 from a 65.
Granagh/Ballingarry: Denis O’Connor (1-0 free), Eoin Casey, John Kealy, Brian Sheehy, Colm Noonan, Jack Cagney, Ronan Mullane, Josh Quille Mulcaire, Darragh Casey 0-3, Mike Russell 0-3, Cathal O’Keeffe 0-2, Seán O’Connor (0-6 4 frees), Paudie Murphy (1-0), Luke Flynn 0-5, Damien O’Donovan 0-2. Subs used: Niall Cahill, Donal O’Grady 0-1, David Condron 0-2.
Murroe/Boher: Killian Quaid, Dylan Ryan, Cillian Ryan, Liam Quaid, Finn Hourigan, Darragh Kennedy 0-1, Evan Sheridan (0-1), Mark Nicholas, Jack Nicholas, Seán Tobin (0-5 1 free), Michael Ryan (0-2), Paudie McNamara (0-2), David Hickey (0-1), Brian O’Keeffe (0-1), Aaron Kennedy (0-6 3 frees 1 65). Subs used: Eoghan Bourke, Seán O’Brien, Joe Keary.
Referee: Jonathan Hayes (St. Senan’s)

County Intermediate Hurling Championship Semi Finals:
Saturday 14th October
Croagh/Kilfinny v Knockainey or Hospital/Herbertstown in Ballyagran at 1pm. Granagh/Ballingarry v Bruree or Murroe Boher in Páirc Caoimh Uí Luing, Feenagh at Fedamore at 4pm.

County Junior B Hurling Championship Quarter Final:
The meeting of newly crowned West Junior B Hurling champions Granagh/Ballingarry and city championship runners-up Ballybrown is provisionally fixed for this Sunday 8th October in Askeaton at 3pm. Please support.

County Senior Scór Finals:
Granagh/Ballingarry will be represented by Johnny O’Riordan in solo singing in the Limerick County Senior Scór Finals which takes place on Saturday 14th October in the Community Hall, Askeaton at 8pm. The question time finals (team of four) will be held at Mungret/St. Paul’s GAA Clubhouse on Friday 13th October at 7.30pm and Granagh/Ballingarry will be represented by Stephen Stapleton, Jimmy Chawke, Pat Herlihy and one to be confirmed. Your support for our solo singer Johnny O’Riordan and our question time team would be appreciated.

County Intermediate Hurling Championship Group 2 Round 5:
Knockainey 2-14, St. Kierans 0-16; Granagh-Ballingarry 2-24, Murroe-Boher 2-24.
West Junior B Hurling Championship Final Replay:
Granagh-Ballingarry 1-13, Feohanagh-Castlemahon 0-11.
West Junior B Football Championship Semi-Finals:
Knockaderry 4-16, St. Senans 0-2; St. Kierans 4-11, Ballysteen 3-6.
County U-21 B Hurling Championship Group 3 Round 1:
Ballingarry is the venue this Saturday at 7pm (provisionally) at 3pm for the meeting of Granagh-Ballingarry and Claughaun-St. Patrick’s in Round 1 of Group 3 in the Limerick County U-21B Hurling Championship. The championship is being run on an all county basis and 13 teams intend to take part. They are three groups of three and one group of four, with the top team in each group to qualify for the semi-final.
Group 1: Belville Gaels, Askeaton, St. Kieran’s.
Group 2: Dromcollogher-Broadford, Tournafulla, Templeglantine.
Group 3: Caherline, Ballybricken-Bohermore, Claughaun-St. Patrick’s.
Group 4: Knockainey, Blackrock, Sarsfields.
Your support would be welcome for the boys in black and green and their management team in Ballingarry this Saturday 7th October at 3pm to cheer them on to make a winning start to their County U21B Hurling Championship campaign.

1973 Keeping the Dream:
(The story of Limerick’s historic All Ireland Hurling success 50 years ago). This book which costs €30 has been in production since January to commemorate and celebrate the wonderful achievement of the victorious and fondly-remembered Limerick hurling team of 1973. It contains over 500 pages packed with original archive material plus a host of rare photographs, many of which have never been seen before until now. The book will be launched on Sunday 5th November at Fitzgeralds Woodlands House Hotel, Adare at 6pm. The profits from this book will be shared between two most deserving charities – The Children’s Ark University Hospital Limerick and the Limerick Society of St. Vincent de Paul. For more information contact James Condon 085-14367727, Liam O’Brien 087-7557898 or Niall Deegan 087-2789120.

Niamh and Brian Win €300:
Congratulations to Niamh O’Keeffe and Brian Burke, c/o Granagh-Ballingarry GAA Club on winning €300 each in the sixth Limerick County GAA Club Draw on Sunday 30th September.
The other winners were as follows: 1st prize €10,000 John and Judy Hennessy, Killeedy, 2nd €3,000 Eileen Howard, Galtee Gaels, 3rd €2,000 Eileen Og Ryan, Dromin-Athlacca, 4th €1,000, Paul and Geraldine Twomey, South Liberties, 5th exclusive prize of a €500 voucher, 6th to 9th prize €500 Colin and Rose Scanlon, Mungret-St. Paul’s, Kate Sommers, Ballysteen, Fr. David Casey, Dromcollogher-Broadford; Barry Kennedy, St. Kieran’s, 10th to 13th prize €300 Billy Smith, Bruff, Phil McNamara, Bruff, Brian Burke, Granagh-Ballingarry, Niamh O’Keeffe, Granagh-Ballingarry; 14th to 30th prize €200 Rita Ryan, St. Patrick’s; Betsy Connery, Kilmallock, Noel O’Halloran, Bruree, Patricia Broderick, Mountcollins, Bridie Bradshaw, Club Limerick Dublin, Mary Doherty O’Grady, Oola, Breeda Kelleher, Club Limerick, Clare McSweeney, St. Senans, Conor and Fiona Quirke, Ahane, Catherine Hogan, Crecora, Keith Ryan, Caherline, Christopher Ryan, Knockainey, Anne Sutton, Staker Wallace, Henry Martin, Corbally, Saoirse McInerney, Abbey Sarsfields, Emma and James Foster, Mungret-St. Paul’s and Tim Ambrose, Newcastle West.
The next draw is on Saturday 28th October with an exclusive prize of €500 hotel voucher. Thanks to all the 117 members who were already joined through the Granagh-Ballingarry GAA Club.
If you would like to renew your membership, please follow the links: and select Granagh Ballingarry GAA Club and the number of draws you wish to sign up for. You can also contact the Granagh Ballingarry club co-ordinator Stephen Stapleton on 086-1960301. Note all new members for the next draw must be in by Wednesday 25th September at 12 noon.

Granagh-Ballingarry U11s win Cahill Cup:
Blackrock U11 Cahill Memorial Cup Hurling Tournament
Hearty congratulations to the Granagh-Ballingarry U11 hurlers and coaches on winning the Cahill Memorial Cup at Blackrock GAA Club Grounds in Kilfinane on Sunday.
Granagh-Ballingarry: Alfie Kennedy O’Kelly, Andrew McCarthy, Billy O’Hanlon, Cian Hanley, Cian O’Brien, Cillian Carroll, Conor Grimes, Conor Kelly, Cormac Kennedy, Diarmuid Hanley, Dlyan Morrissey, Ethan Looney, George Clancy, Jack Alfred, James Condon, James Kearney, James Kelly, Joe McCarthy, Kevin Noonan, Liam Reidy, Michael O’Brien, Michael Kelly, Noel McCarthy, Rian Gilbourne, Rory Burke, Sean Condon, Sean Kennedy, Tom O’Grady. Coaches Cormac McCarthy, David O’Hanlon, Eddie O’Brien, John Kearney, Kevin Hanley, Pat Carroll, Paul Kennedy and Paul Murphy.
Pre-purchase of club hurling and football championship tickets
All Granagh-Ballingarry supporters please note that the upcoming hurling and football club championship games under the auspices of Limerick County GAA Board are pre-purchase. These can be purchased online via the Universe system.

Club Gear:
Granagh/Ballingarry GAA Club’s tops, hoodies, tracksuits, jackets, shorts and socks can now be ordered online at product-category/clubs/granagh/Ballingarry

Club Website:
Check out our club website at for all the latest club news. Our website is updated regularly and is well worth a visit. You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

There was no winner of the €1,600 jackpot in the Granagh-Ballingarry GAA club lottery draw on Saturday 30th September in the Rock Bar, Granagh. The numbers drawn were 3, 5, 22 and 30. The lucky dip winners of 20 each were Niamh Power, promoter online; Stewart Clancy, promoter The Rock Bar, Granagh; Davy Condron, promoter David Condron; PJ Lake, promoter John Lynch.
The next draw for a jackpot of €1,700 will take place on Saturday 7th October in Denny As Bar, Ballingarry. Tickets are 2 each or three for 5 and are on sale in local shops, bars and from promoters. You can also play the weekly draw online and the link is available on the club’s Facebook and Twitter which finishes at 6pm every Saturday.

Club Diary:
County Junior A Hurling Championship quarter-final: Caherline v Monagea in Fedamore at 4.30pm.
County U21B Hurling Championship Group 3 Round 4: Granagh-Ballingarry v Claughaun-St. Patrick’s (provisionally) in Ballingarry at 3pm. Caherline v Ballybricken-Bohermore in Caherconlish at 3pm.
Sunday 8th October
County Junior B Hurling Championship quarter final (provisionally) Ballybrown v Granagh-Ballingarry in Askeaton at 3pm.