Our club is committed to helping people in our community. If you require any advice or assistance during this pandemic then don’t hesitate to contact us by phone 086 8072856 or social media. We are Here if You Need us.
The club wish to extend their sympathy to Fr. William Hennessy’s family and friends. A great friend to Garryspillane GAA and a true loss to our community. May he Rest in Peace
Limerick Club Draw
The CLUB Limerick draw is vital to the financial wellbeing of our county together with providing a financial platform to our club. 50% of all membership goes directly to our club which provides support to fund the day to day running cost of club facilities and equipment which enable all members to enjoy our sports in a safe environment. The first CLUB Limerick Draw 2020 will take place on Saturday 6th June 2020. The proposed date for the 9 other draws to take place is as follows: 27th June, 25th July, 29th Aug, 26th September, 31st October, 28th November, 2 draws on 19th December & 30th January 2021.
You can join by contacting Liam Russell our club draw coordinator on 086-8072856, online at Cost €10 per month, 10 draws, 30 super prizes to be won EVERY month from €10,000 to €100.
Club Grounds
All club activities have been postponed and our facilities remain closed until further notice. We thank you all for your cooperation in this regard.
Thank you
To all our frontline, members, supporters and family. You are the true hero’s. We are forever grateful for your efforts and putting your own life at risk to help in these difficult times. We can help too by adhering to the government and HSE guidelines and together with can flatten the curve.
Keep it local
Remember to shop local and support local business. Respect social distance and stay at home as much as possible. We are all in this together.
Club Championship
All club championships matches are postponed by Limerick GAA and they proposed that they will engage with the Provincial Council and National CCC with a view to restructure of our game
2020 Membership
Membership is still open. Please contact any committee member to pay. New members are always very welcome to join the club. Thank you again for your continued support.
Weekly Lotto
Our Weekly Lotto is postponed until further notice. The Jackpot is €2050 and the draw will commence when restrictions are lifted. We are currently setting up an online lotto and hope to recommence shortly keep an eye on Facebook for updates.
Our Easter Draw has been postponed until restrictions have lifted. All money raised will go to future developments and team preparations. #supportthefuture Tickets on Sale Now Available from anyone of the following Darren Hayes, Frank Carroll, David Dawson, Gearoid Power, TJ Ryan, Liam Russell, Donie Ryan, Corona Ryan, any player, Credit Union, Meade’s shop or Creeds Shop. Once restrictions are lifted we will announce a new Draw Date.
#Stay Home Stay Safe