No winner. Jackpot now €15,100. Record numbers playing online again. Thanks for your support!
Next Draw 28th June 2020 at Community Centre – 8pm
Last Weeks numbers: 2, 12, 13, 22
Lucky Dip Winners €25 each
M & B Whelan c/o Tom Myles;
Joan Farrell c/o Pat Doran;
Gillian Hayes;
Maria Mulcahy
Play online…
Return to play
We are delighted to see that GAA fields are reopening in the next week. Please follow all return to play protocols. Membership must be paid by all players before returning to training.
In relation to Bord na nog, each team will need to have a minimum of 1 volunteer covid supervisor to assist the team coaches at the start and finish of training/match. If you are in a position to assist can you text your name and team ie U6, U8 … etc to Kevin Power.
Early next week we will be issuing some essential consent forms for completion before your player can resume training.