Our Club continues to adhere to Government and HSE Guidelines which places restrictions all club activity until further notice. This means that neither adult nor underage teams may train collectively.
Individual training only is permitted. Club games are not permitted and GAA club facilities must remain closed. Indoor meetings are to be rescheduled. These restrictions will remain in place until
at least January 31st and we will keep you updated of any changes. Don’t forget during this difficult time our club committee is committed to helping people in our community. Dromin Athlacca GAA has set up a “ COVID – 19 Support Group” to provide support and assistance to our community and to support local business. If you or your family require any support or assistance during this pandemic then don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or social media. You can call (086) 0420950 who will coordinate the collection and delivery of shopping, medicine or fuel. Efforts to follow HSE guidelines and maintain appropriate Social Distancing will be adhered to.
The next Club Limerick Draw will take place on Saturday Jan 30th. This will be the final draw in the current competition. The Jackpot prize will again be 10,000e with lots of cash prizes available.
Dromin Athlacca GAA would like to thank all of you that have entered already as 50% of funds go to each local club. If you want to be in with a chance of winning in this final draw at a cost of 10e,
please contact Mike Carmody Rathcannon, Morgan Walsh Athlacca or John Murphy Dromin.
There was no Jackpot Winner in this weeks Club Lotto Draw. Numbers drawn were 2, 12, 13, and 26.
Lucky dip winners were Mary Daly 40e, Eamon Houlihan 20e and Liam Ryan 20e. Next weeks Draw willtake place on Jan 17th Best of luck to all entries.
Dromin Athlacca GAA club wish to extend sympathies to Pajo Lynch and family on the death of his sister Eileen Donovan. Ar dheis De go raibh a hanam. Condolences are also extended to Richard Ryan and partner Eileen on the loss of Eileens father James O ‘Gorman. May He Rest in Peace