It was a great week in the Dromin Athlacca GAA club. The mood was positive and almost all underage teams resumed training. Great credit is due to all players,parents, managers and COVID Officers for all their hard work to ensure all Covid Guidelines were adhered to. It is mportant to remain compliant to these regulations so please ensure you have completed the eLearning module on GAA.ie and completed a Health Questionnaire before each training session or match fixture. This can be done on returntoplay.gaa.ie and once completed, a screenshot can be sent to the relevant Covid Officer
The schedule for the week ahead consists of: Hurling training for Under 6s Under 8 and Under 10s will be held on Tuesday evenings in Athlacca Pitch from 6.30-7.30pm. Under 12s training will be on Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm in Banogue. Training for Under 14s will be on Fridays from 7-8pm in Athlacca and Minors will train Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Athlacca. Girls Football for U6s and U8s will be held on Monday evenings from 6.30 – 7.30pm in Athlacca with
Under 12s/14 and Under 16s training on Sunday evenings from 6.30-7.30pm. Please note that players need to be dropped to training 5 mins pre start time prepared for training with each player having their own water bottle. Sharing of these will not be permitted. Please keep in contact with relevant groups for updates
Last Friday evening saw our Premier Intermediate Hurlers travel to Ballingarry to take on Granagh Ballingarry in the Dunworth League Cup. It was a glorious evening and it was great to see so many turn out for a great night’s entertainment. Dromin Athlacca were the stronger team on the night pulled ahead in the first half to lead by 8 points at the break. They held their lead throughout the second half to win by 4 points with a finishing score of 3:20 to 2:19. Man of the match award went to Captain David Reidy who again, gave a stellar performance on the night.
Fixtures: Round 1 of the Lyons’ of Limerick Premier Intermediate Championship will take place in Kilmallock on July 25 when Dromin Athlacca take on Glenroe. Throw in at 7pm. U21 B Hurling Championship commences on July 17th with Dromin Athlacca playing Kildimo Pallaskenry. Our Minors will travel to Mungret on August 7th while the U16s have a BYE in their first round. Updates will be on Dromin Athlacca GAA Facebook and Instragam pages.
Club Lotto is back! The first Draw since March was held in Athlacca Clubhouse on Saturday
evening. There was no winner for the 7,000e jackpot. Lucky Dip winners were John Carmody 40, Stevie Kelleher 20e and John Kieran and Sinead O Keeffe winning 20e. Payment for upcoming Club Lotto Draws can now be made online.50e will enable you to join Club Lotto each week for 6 months. Email your numbers to mikeryanqs@outlook.ie. Payment can be
made to Dromin Athlacca GAA club with IBAN number is IE49AIBK93521207561054. Next draw will be held in Athlacca Clubhouse Saturday July 18th for a 7,050e prize.
The next Club Limerick Draw will take place on Saturday July 25th 2020. There is e10,000 up for grabs along with many more cash prizes. 50% of all membership goes directly to our own club.This provides our club with the financial support to fund the day to day running costs. The Star Prize for July will be an overnight stay in the Luxurious Parknasilla Resort and Spa, Co Kerry with breakfast and dinner. Joining this draw can be easily done either online at https://limerickgaa.ie/club-limerick-draw/ @ 10e per draw or 100e per annum or directly
through our club by contacting our coordinators Ann Breen of Athlacca, Michael Carmody of Rathcannon, Morgan Walsh of Athlacca and John Murphy of Dromin or by contacting any committee member.
Dromin Athlacca GAA club would like to congratulate Simon and Pauline McAuliffe on their recent retirement from McAuliffes Bar. Both Simon and Pauline have played a pivotal role in our club and community over the years. When Simon was Chairperson of Dromin Athlacca GAA he saw our Club go from strength to strength and Paulines level of commitment to players was second to none. Their passion has been a tremendous driving force for our club and has helped in all our achievements to date. McAuliffes Bar has been a tremendous support to all in our community over the years and will be sorely missed. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Simon and Pauline and wish them every happiness in the next chapter of their lives