Our club committee is committed to helping people in our community. Dromin Athlacca GAA has set up a “ COVID – 19 Support Group” to provide support and assistance to our community and to to support local business. If you or your family require any support or assistence during this pandemic
don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or social media. You can call (086) 0420950 who will cordinate the collection and delivery of shopping, medicine or fuel. All Volunteers are Garda Vetted and adhere to HSE guidelines. We ask you to consider supporting local business by shopping local at this
time in so far as possible.
Many thanks to coaches and mentors who continue to encourage drills and advice on social media platforms. Keep an eye on Dromin Athlacca GAA Facebook page, Instragam and Twitter at Dromin Athlacca GAA Club @DromAthGaa. This will be a fantastic resource to keep us and our children
entertained and active both mentally and physically during this difficult time. There are some interesting challenges for our older population too!
The Limerick Club Draw as put on hold at this time. Limerick GAA have made a decision to postponethe draw until further notice.
Lotto: The Club Lotto draw is currently on hold due to the Corona Virus Outbreak. It will return in
due course.
Dromin Athlacca GAA club would like to wish our members and all in our community good health at this difficult time. Even though we are a small community, we have many club members and parishioners who are working hard in the front line. We salute you and are very grateful for the sacrifaces you make to help in the fight against COVID 19. In the community we ask that everyone continue to adhere to the National and HSE guidelines of social distancing and be mindful of the
vulnerable around us. Stay Safe everyone