Dromcollogher/ Broadford GAA Club Membership Rates 2022:
The following are the rates for Membership for the Club for 2022:
Adult Player €60
Adult Player and Club Limerick Draw €150
Adult Player and Spouse €80
Adult Player and Spouse and Club Limerick Draw €170
Adult Non-Playing €30
Adult Non-Playing and Club Limerick Draw €140
Adult Non-playing Couple €50
Adult Non-playing Couple and Club Limerick Draw €140
Under 19 Player €35
Juvenile Player (U17 and under) €35 (capped at €80 ie)
Family (2 Adult and 2 Juvenile Players (U17 and under)) €120
Family (2 Adult and 2 Juvenile Players (U17 and Under)) & Club Limerick Draw €210
Family (2 Adult and 3 Juvenile Players (U17 and Under)) €130
Family (2 Adult and 3 Juvenile Players (U17 and Under)) €220
For all of those that also join the Club Limerick Draw, we are giving a €10 discount on membership. The Club Limerick Draw provides support for our club getting 50% of all entries. Again, as always membership must be paid by March 31st of 2022 to have voting rights and to qualify to apply for tickets for Limerick Senior Hurling & Football championship matches (including All-Ireland Finals should Limerick qualify). Anyone paying membership after this date will not qualify to apply for tickets. Only adult members can apply for tickets by following the link: https//member.clubforce.com/membership_cart_m.asp?LL_ID=9620#Anchor.
Dromcollogher/ Broadford GAA Club Lotto Draw
The following are the Results of the Lotto Draw that took place on the 24-01-2022, and the numbers were: 16, 20, 25, 31. There was no winner of Jackpot at €5,000 and there was one winner of match three at €100 and that was: Louise O’Connell and the Lucky Dips at €50 each were: Kieran Ryan, Dromcollogher and Gerard Noonan, Carraward Heights, Dromcollogher and next week’s draw will take place on this coming Monday 31-01-2021, in the GAA Field, Dromcollogher and the Jackpot will be at €5,100 and the Match Three will be staying at €100.
Lotto tickets are available in local shops in the area where the boxes are provided and available for sale in the local square on Friday and Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm or online by following the link below: https://play.clubforce.com/play_newa.aspll_id=2706#Anchor.
New Defibrillator and Defibrillator Training
On behalf of Dromcollogher/Broadford GAA we would like to thank everyone that contributed to our fundraiser to purchase our new defibrillator and heated storage box. We now have a new LIFEPAK CR2 Defibrillator stored in a heated Defibstore 4000 Polycarbonate box, and it is positioned on the front wall of our clubhouse. Dromcollogher/Broadford GAA would like to train all our community in how to use the defibrillator, especially given what has happened in recent times. We think everyone should avail of this opportunity. If you are interested in availing of this training for free, please contact one of the following club members: Chairperson: Adrian Cahill 085 1044363 Secretary: Eoin Barry 086 1901507 Treasurer: Geraldine O’Sullivan 086 3131051 Health and Wellbeing officer: James Noonan 086 3953316
Dromcollogher/Broadford GAA Community Support Service
With rising covid numbers we are aware that a number of people are isolating at present.
If anyone in our community is isolating and requires anything delivered to their home like groceries, medication, or any other essentials over the coming weeks, please contact
Adrian Cahill 0851044363, Eoin Barry 0861901507, or Geraldine O’Sullivan 0863131051.
Our volunteers are Garda Vetted, and all enquires are treated with strict confidentiality.
Club Information
Dromcollogher/Broadford GAA have set up a club information WhatsApp group. We will use this group to send out information on club fixtures and results, lotto updates and results, ticket information and all other notifications relating to the club. This should cut down on the amount of information being sent out on multiple groups. This will be an admin-controlled WhatsApp group. Anyone wishing to be added to this group please contact Adrian Cahill on 085-1044363 or James Noonan on 086-3953316.
The Annual general meeting will be held in Dromcollogher on Friday February 4th, at 8.30pm, everyone welcome to attend please bring your facemask with you to the AGM on the night in question the following positions are up open for nominations Bord Na Nóg Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and also three new positions Club IT Officer, Club Insurance Officer, assistant coaching officer and sent nominations and motions back to secretary.dromcollogherbroadford.limerick@gaa.ie.