Darren O Connell shows us how to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & donate to Milford Hospice
#CLUBLkDraw commences Saturday 6th June 2020.This Draw is vital to the financial wellbeing of our county & provides a financial platform to Clubs.50% of all membership goes directly to your club. Support your local club today. Win €10k for €10 limerickgaa.ie/club-limerick-draw

Edward, Betty and 212 other friends have donated through Facebook.
Micheal Martin shows us how to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & donate to Milford Hospice
Edward, Betty and 212 other friends have donated through Facebook.
Dan Morrissey & Morrissey Brothers shows us how to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & donate to Milford Hospice
Edward, Betty and 212 other friends have donated through Facebook.
Emmet McEvoy is first of our 20’s Hurlers this evening to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & great exhibition of dancing & remember to donate to Milford Hospice