Darragh O Donovan shows us how to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & donate to Milford Hospice
Edward, Betty and 214 other friends have donated through Facebook.
Cathal Downes is first of our 20’s Hurlers this evening to #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice
Join in the fun & great exhibition of dancing & remember to donate to Milford Hospice

We are delighted with the response to our biodiversity competition and we have received some amazing photos. If you haven’t entered our #BiodiversityTLC competi…
Edward, Betty and 214 other friends have donated through Facebook.
Kay Chawke Director of Nursing Milford Care Centre message of thanks and request for continued support.
Post your videos and use the #HitTheWoahForMilfordHospice & DONATE at the link below www.milfordcarecentre.ie/donate-hit-the-woah.
A Look Back at South GAA Winners & Conventions 1995 – 1998

Landmark Gaelic Games coaching survey launched:
The biggest ever coaching survey conducted in Irish sport will see the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association join forces to help shape the future development of Gaelic games.
Over the next three weeks coaches at every level of football, hurling and camogie are being encouraged and urged to make their voices heard via the online survey. Details for the survey are available from Take Gaelic Games Coach Survey 2020.