Phase 3 Development:There has been some great progress with the new field development in the last week. The bank has been completely removed, as has the remaining old chain link perimeter fencing, dugouts and old lights at the road side of the pitch. We look forward to its completion and installation of planned upgrades. Thank you to everyone for helping out with the development and to those who have contributed to all our fundraising efforts. Stay tuned for updates. Gentle Reminder:The GAA are asking every member in the club to complete an e-learning module on covid 19 guidelines in order for us to return to play. It’s very straight forward and won’t take any more than 20 mins to complete. You will get a certificate of completion at the end and if every member can take a screen shot or a photograph of the certificate and send it to for our records it would be greatly appreciated.
And finally all of us must fill in a health questionnaire online. This is a once off health check and the covid supervisors will check in at every training session to make sure there have been no changes in your health since you have filled it in. It is available on Parents/Guardians must complete these for underage players to return to training Thanks in advance and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact P. J. O’Mahony 085 7161505 Richard O’Kelly 085 8610223 Ger Flynn 087 2833095 Training/Field Schedule: U8 & U10 Hurling & Football –

Saturday 10.45-12noon
U12 & U14 Hurling & Football –
Wednesday 6.30-8pm
Sundays 10.30-12noon
U16 Hurling & Football –
Thursday 6.30-7.30pm
Sundays 6.30-7.30pm
Ladies Football –
Tuesday 7-8pm
Friday 8-9pm
Minors –
Tuesday 8.15-9.15pm
Intermediates –
Monday 6.30-8pm
Wednesday 8.15-9.45pm
Friday 7-8pm
Saturday 9-10.30am
Player Injury/Insurance Scheme:
All players must have their insurance/membership paid up prior to returning to play. As players are not covered, the club cannot allow players to play until it is paid. Hurling Grips: Brand new Karakal hurling grips are now available in Plunketts Pharmacy. €4 per grip and €6 for XL. All different colours in stock. Please support local businesses.