Club Lotto
Don’t forget that our Croom Gaa Club lotto is back and ONLINE at Tickets are €2 or 3 for €5. Tickets can also be bought from outside Spar on Saturday mornings. You have the option to do multiple weeks at a time. Jackpot on Monday night is €6,400. Our lucky dip winners last week were Catherine Moloney, Jan Cahill, Liam Bourke, Tony Lunch and Eileen Moloney. Please continue to support your club.
Coach Education Evening “A Games Based Approach to Training and Session Design”:
Croom GAA are delighted to host a coaches education evening on Friday 18th of February from Stephen, Peter, and David Lavin from Adare. Last year they launched a new coaching initiative and resource based on GameSense. GameSense was born out of their involvement with Paul Kinnerk in the Limerick Football academy. Paul introduced them to his philosophy and over the past 8 years they have used games as the primary method in teaching skills and tactical awareness in Gaelic Football. Through their involvement with schools they have seen the same approach work just as well with hurling. During their time with the academy they have designed hundreds of games that cover a wide range of themes within the game and they want to make these games accessible in a simple, easy to use manner, so that every coach can see the benefit of using games in their training sessions. They recently launched an excellent coaching website
Their visit to Croom will be broken up into 2 groups. The first is aimed at coaches in the U7-U11 age groups and will start at 7pm. The second group is based on those involved in coaching U13-17 and will start around 8.15/8.30pm. This coach education evening is FRE OF CHARGE to all club members and coaches. If you are not currently involved in coaching but have an interest in it, you’re more than welcome to attend. If you have any queries, please contact Stephen Lucey on 0879858726 or
Limerick Senior Football:
Congratulations to Eoghan Cregan who made his competitive debut with Limerick in their fantastic win away v Antrim. They sit on top of the Division with 2 wins from 2. Next up is Louth in the Garlic Grounds on Sunday Feb 20th.
Underage Training:
Our U17s started back training last Tuesday and our U15s and U13s start back this Sunday at 5.30pm. We were delighted to welcome James O’Leary last Thursday for the Winter S&C programme and he will be returning in a couple of weeks.
Croom GAA Club Membership for Season 2022 is now open:
For existing members please log in to your return to play account and pay using the REGISTER button. Choose the Membership option that is for you. For new members please create an account by logging in to return to play / Foireann and hit NEW USER and follow the steps. Payment can also be given to Club Register Breda O’Dwyer 086 8798219. If you need help setting up an account please contact Breda. All membership must be paid by 30st March 2022.
Club Limerick Draw:
Club Limerick Draw is back! This draw is a fantastic way to support both your club and county for the year, as 50% of your entry money goes directly back to your club. When you support this Draw, you are ensuring the future of your club whilst being in with a chance to win up to €10,000 each month! This, along with the amazing Exclusive Prizes each month, is a win win for everyone! Our Club was lucky enough to be on the winning list in 2021 and we are hopeful for more success in 2022