Club Lotto : Don’t forget that our Croom Gaa Club lotto is back and ONLINE at Tickets are €2 or 3 for €5. Tickets can also be bought from outside Spar on Saturday mornings. You have the option to do multiple weeks at a time. Jackpot on Monday night is €5,200. No jackpot winner last week. Our lucky dip winners were Conor Twomey, Christy O Reilly, Brady, Eileen Moloney and Mary/ Seamie.
Under 15s and 17s : GAA Winter Skills Sessions for u15s & u17s are currently taking place on Sundays at 3pm at Croom Gaa Club. Limerick Academy Coaches are leading the players through a series of game-based sessions in both hurling and football to help improve skills. Open to existing & new players. For more information contact Darrin Naughton on 0878320337