#CLUBLkDraw October Exclusive Star Prize in the CLUB Limerick Draw #CLUBLkDraw October Exclusive Star Prize in the CLUB Limerick Draw 2 Nights Luxurious Accommodation, in a Deluxe Room at Lough Rynn Castle Estate & Gardens including : Breakfast in the Sandstone Restaurant Evening Dinner for 2 plus bottle of House wine with meal. Bottle of Prosecco & Chocolates in room upon arrival Late Check Out Shed Distillery Visitor Experience JOIN TODAY limerickgaa.ie/club-limerick-draw-signup #CLUBLkDraw #LoughRynn #SupportingClubs #SupportingLimerick #Limerick #GAAClubs By PRO|2020-10-05T08:59:26+01:00October 5th, 2020|Bord na nOg News, Club Limerick Events, Club News, General News, Limerick Football|Comments Off on #CLUBLkDraw October Exclusive Star Prize in the CLUB Limerick Draw Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail