Club Executive Training:
Club Officers are being offered a unique opportunity to enhance the effectiveness of their Club Executive Committees.
Over the past few weeks, 618 newly elected Club Officers attended role induction training as part of the Club Leadership Development Programme (CLDP). The Gaelic Games Associations, in collaboration with the Provincial Councils, delivered 20 webinars that covered the roles and responsibilities of various office holders such as Chairpersons, Secretaries, Treasurers, PROs, and Coaching Officers.
These role induction webinars are a pivotal part of the Certificate in Club Leadership (Gaelic Games) which was added to the CLDP for 2024. Any Club Officer who completes the mandatory elements of the course before April will earn certification from the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association. The other elements of the programme are:
Completion of the ‘Club Officer Foundations’ eLearning module.
Attendance at a Provincial Workshop focussing on ‘Building a High-Performing Club Executive Team’.
Participation in two webinars from the extensive suite offered in the programme for 2023-24.
Submission of a programme reflection upon fulfilling all learning requirements.
Full information is available at:
Registration now open for the Provincial Workshops
The GAA Officer Development Committee has partnered with Fintan Ryan to design a workshop that seeks to empower Club Executive teams to cultivate and maintain a high-performance culture within their Club. This workshop will cover the following topics:
Club Executive Team Review: Identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Effective Team Dynamics: Understanding the characteristics of successful teams.
Goal Setting and Planning: Developing processes for setting and achieving goals.
Task Delegation and Empowerment: Defining roles and implementing effective delegation processes.
Communication Plan: Creating a comprehensive roadmap for Club communication. Addressing the how, what, why, who, and when of communication.
Fintan is a leadership development specialist with over 30 years’ experience in facilitating training and development courses making him one of the most experienced facilitators in Ireland. Fintan facilitates several training programmes for universities such as the Michael Smurfit Business School, UCD and has worked with the Munster and Leinster senior rugby teams, in addition to several Club and County GAA teams, and County Executives as recently as 2023.
Testimonial from a County Officer
Fintan facilitated the programme really well and he allowed all the learning and content to come from the group. The process allowed us to address what we were doing well and what we needed to improve on.
It gave us space as a group to interact with each other in a way that normal workings both operationally and strategically would not allow us to do. It also helped us to build relationships and get to know each other better.
The actions we came up with in each module were followed up on and evaluated regarding their implementation and the last set of actions will go into the strategic plan for the GAA in our County that we are drafting this year.
All in all, it was a very positive experience and we appreciate being given the opportunity to engage in it and for having Fintan facilitate it for us.
These workshops are open to all Club Officers, even if they do not wish to pursue the certification outlined above.
For further details and registration, please refer to the following information:
Munster Workshop
Friday February 16, 7-9.30pm
Mallow GAA
Link to register:
South Leinster Workshop
Thursday February 29
Leinster GAA Offices, Portlaoise
Link to register:
Ulster Workshop
Thursday March 14
Kellys Inn, Garvaghy, Tyrone
Link to register:
North Leinster Workshop
Thursday March 21
GAA National Games Development Centre, Abbotstown
Link to register:
Connacht Workshop
Thursday March 28
Connacht GAA Centre of Excellence, Bekan
Link to register:
For more information, contact: