Camogue Rovers GAA Club Notes:

Our hurlers played Bruree in the South Semi final and after extra time the sides were still level and there will be a replay this weekend. Keep an eye on the paper and club social media for details

Club news WhatsApp:
To be added to the club WhatsApp please contact any committee member.

Thursday October 5th our footballers play the county quarter final againstCastletown Ballyagran. The game throws in at 8 o clock in Knocklong.
Hurling South Semi replay this weekend TBC

Split the Pot:
Sunday October 8th. €5 and can be entered through any club member or in The Hogan Stand.

Wedding bells in Greybridge:
Congratulations are due to Grace O Riordan and Sean Ryan after their wedding last weekend. Best wishes for the future from all at Camogue Rovers.