CLUB LOTTO: Our club Lotto resumes on Friday night April 30th at 9:30pm via Facebook Live. Tickets are available through the usual shops in the village.

CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Reminder that Caherline GAA membership for 2021 can now be paid online through the GAA’s Foireann website at With a return to juvenile training this week (adult grades to follow later), it would be great to get membership sorted as soon as possible. If you have any queries on it, please contact your child’s coach or any committee member.

RETURN TO TRAINING: Bord na nÓg training returns this week in the hurling field. Our U-15’s will train Monday’s from 7pm; our U-17’s will train on Wednesday’s from 7pm; on Fridays, our U-11’s, U-9’s & U-7’s will train from 6pm and our U-13’s will train on Friday’s from 7:15pm. We look forward to seeing you all back & we would always welcome new players, so please spread the word.

CÚL CAMP: Our Cúl Camp will take place from Mon 28th June to Fri 02nd July, 10am to 2pm each day. Sean McKenna is our camp co-ordinator again this year. All places are to be booked online this year and the kits will be delivered by post to the participants. The camp can be booked though

SPARE GEAR: We are on the hunt for any old hurleys or helmets that might be hidden away in your sheds or garages! If you find some & are willing to donate to the club, please bring them along to any of the training sessions over the coming weeks or drop them to any committee member. Don’t worry about sanitizing the gear, we’ll do all of that, we’d simply appreciate the donation.