The Chaser
On Saturday night the 1st of February next, Bruff GAA brings the hugely popular show, “The Chaser” to the Charleville Park Hotel. The show was launched last week, by club and country star Sean Finn. The show promises to be an absolutely brilliant night’s entertainment for the entire family. Tickets are €20 each or €50 for 4 adults or 2 adults and 3 children. Our main exhibitors on the night are ToCo Welding, Nagles Eurospar, Matt Daly Construction, Bruff Credit Union, Munster Astro, Wallace Pharmacy, Michael Houlihan Solicitors, Glynns Takeaway, and IAC Shannon. There is still some large screen digital advertising space available for the show, please contact Francis O’ Dwyer 087 9051755, or Brian Finn 087 2258850 for further information.Tickets for “The Chaser” are available from any member of the fundraising committee and must be purchased in advance of the night. Numbers are limited – anyone wishing to attend should call 085 1528714. Tickets are also available from the Credit Union, the Post Office, Glynns or Nagles.

Facebook Competition
We are running a competition on our Facebook page. To be in with a chance of winning a family tickets to our upcoming fundraiser “The Chaser” happening in Charleville Park Hotel on February 1st. All you have to do is go to the Bruff GAA Club facebook page and like, comment and share our competition post! The winner will be announced Friday, January 24th.