The weekly club lotto will return on Wed 21st April. The jackpot currently stands at €13,000. Tickets are €2 each, or 3 for €5. A lotto ticket for the remainder of the year is available for €50. This is a special offer as a thank you to all our supporters for your support over the last difficult year. Adult membership is €40, membership and lotto €80, OAP or student membership is €20 and OAP or student membership with lotto for the year €70, membership for use of the walking track is €20, and lotto with membership for use of the walking track €70. This can be accessed online by going into the GAA foireann where it is possible to register to the club and pay via stripe. For any queries please contact Carmel or send message on facebook.
As the covid restrictions begin to ease we hope to have our AGM very shortly and we will keep everyone updated as return to play dates become available