Limerick Minor Hurlers have won the Munster final beating Tipperary after extra time 2 22 to 0 25. Well done to the Limerick team including Sean O’Neill, team management and all involved with the team. Fine display by the Limerick hurlers, the future looks bright, Luimneach abu
The last time Limerick beat Tipperary in the Minor Munster final John O’Neill, Sean’s father was playing. It has been a good week for Limerick hurling with the enjoyment of the All Ireland hurling final still felt. It has been a pleasure to read the papers and see the comments on social media.
There was no winner of the club lotto held on Thursday 17th December, this was the last lotto of the year. The numbers drawn were 9 13 24 29. The €40 lucky dip went to Jane Salmon, Lr Main St, Promotor Con Danaher, the €20 went to Roisin Kelly, Kildorrery, Promotor Brian Carey, Tara McCarthy, Vale View, Promotor Brendan O’Brien, Pat Heffernan Jnr, Mallow, Promotor Brendan O’Brien, Alan and Caroline Walsh, Promotor Breda Walsh.
Our Christmas lotto bonus draw also took place with 10 lucky dips of €20.
Ollie Herbert, Ardpatrick, Helen O’Dea, Radhairc Cillian, Tommy Reid, Dublin, Marie, Steve, Jose, Phil, Catherine Mullins, Cush, Neilie Butler, Pa McGrath, Treada na Ri, Mary New, Education Centre, Sinead O’Meara, Rob, Welcome Inn.
Thanks to all lotto sellers for their work support over the year, and our patrons who continue to support us.
Due to the restrictions earlier in the year which resulted in postponement of the lotto for some weeks we held a draw for the pre paid lotto patrons in the membership/lotto offer. We had 3 lucky dips of €50.
The winners were Ollie Herbert, Judith Bugler, Margaret Hennessy, Glebe Road.
The first lotto of 2021 will be on Wednesday 13th January, covid restrictions permitting, for a jackpot of €13,000. We will be offering lotto for 2021 and membership of the adult club for €120 for adults and €100 for OAP’s. contact the club or your local club officer for details.
It has been a very difficult year for the local population and indeed globally. We hope for a better year for everyone later in 2021, when we can move freely around, and the matches hopefully will go back to normal.
Well done to our minors, U21’s, junior B’s and Senior team – County Cup winners this year. Hopefully the junior B’s will get to finish their championship. Well done to the Limerick teams this year, hurling and football, Senior hurling Munster and All Ireland champions, league champions, Senior football, league Division 4 champions, hurling minor Munster champions, the club represented by Jimmy Quilty Jnr, Daithi Heffernan, Sean O’ Neill, Killian Aherne in various Limerick teams, with Sean the proud holder of a Munster Minor medal won this year on the 20th December.
Well done to the Bord na nOg and Camogie teams who did very well in competition this year and best wishes for 2021 to the officers, players and team managements.
Best wishes to Hugh Murphy who will continue as PRO for the County Bord for 2021. We would like to thank all our sponsors this year, and our hardworking team managements, lotto committee and committee and everyone who helps out in the club. Also this year we had volunteers helping with the GAA initiative during lockdown and thanks to our members who helped out.
Fintan Leahy, Chairman and the officers of the club would like to thank you all for your support for the year and we wish everyone a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.