There was no winner of the last lotto of 2019 held on Wednesday 18th December. The numbers drawn were 6 24 28 30. The €40 lucky dip went to Jessie Walsh, Forest View. Promotor John Walsh.
The €20 lucky dips went to Joan and Sean O’Riordan, St Annes Tce, Promotor Centra.
Kyron O Donnell, Vale View, Promotor Donie O’Sullivan.
Josh, Mattie and Jamie, Ballyroe Promotor Donie O’Sullivan,
Ned Sheehy, Spittle Glenroe Promotor Centra
Our Christmas extra lucky dips €20 x 10 prizes
Ruairi O’Shaughnessy, Ballyroe Upper Promotor Brendan O’Brien
Shannon O’Doherty, Vale View, Promotor Mollys
Marie Burke, Glentara, Promotor Fintan Leahy
Linda Torpey, Kilfinane, Promotor Harrys
Tommy Murphy, Promotor Centra
Noreen Lawlor, Promotor Breda Walsh
Ben Murphy and Dave, Promotor Centra
Jane Salmon, Promotor Con Danaher
Margaret McCarthy, Park View House, Promotor Brendan O’Brien
The Watsons, Promotor Mollys
We now take a 2 week break and the next draw will be on Thursday January 9th in Healys Bar.
The lotto has financed the club over many many years and we would like to give a big word of thanks to all our lotto sellers, and venues for their help over the years. However Breda Walsh the lotto coordinator and Breed Sheehy must get huge thanks for the commitment and work they put in every week to oversee and run the lotto.
The long puck takes place on Wednesday 1st January at 12md.
Many people have made the club a success over the last year and we celebrate with our dinner dance on Friday 3rd in the Woodlands. We would love to see you all there to start the new year off in style. Music is by Donie O’Sullivan and Footloose, and Neil Hennessy is the DJ afterwards.
Best wishes to Limerick Senior hurlers V Clare in the Munster league Semi final on Sunday 5th January in Six mile Bridge at 2pm
On behalf of Blackrock GAA may I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.