Blackrock GAA Club Notes:
Club Lotto:
Blackrock GAA club lotto draw was held on Thursday night last  February 27th.
The numbers drawn 1, 12, 25 and 30. The Jackpot was not won.
Lucky dips winners were as follows:
€40.00  Denis McDonld, Kilfinane.Promoter, Brendan O’Brien
€20.00  Richie Cooke, On Line,
€20.00  Josie O’Reilly, Radharc Cillin, Kilfinane, Promoter, Brendan O’Brien
€20.00  Keri Hennessy, Ballinanima Kilfinane, Promoter, Carmel Murphy
€20.00  Dennis McSweeney, Forest View, Kilfinane, Promoter, Gala. Shop.
Next Draw is on this Thursday March 6th. The Jackpot will be €13,000.
Great News Everyone:
You can now buy the club lotto online using the QR below. Just scan the QR code and it will take you to the next steps in purchasing your tickets. Remember if you’re not in you can’t win.
Congratulations and Best Wishes:
Congratulations and west wishes are extended to Dean Constable and Billy O’Brien on being selected on the South Primary Hurling Panel 2025.
Blackrock GAA Club:
Invite you a night of Reeling in the Years on Saturday March 15th. in Spruce and Willow. A great night in store for all. A trip down memory lane as we look back through videos and photos of teams through the years. A night for young and old to listen to stories of past and present club men who have served this great club.
Reminder Club Membership 2025:
Blackrock GAA club membership for 2025 is now available to pay on Foireann
NOTE: Social membership only allows access to the walking track, and not be entered into draws for inter county match’s and will not have voting rights at club meetings.
Closing date for membership is strictly 31st. 2025.