Ballybrown GAA Club Notes:

To Aidan, Colin & the entire Limerick Panel and management. 4 in a row!! We are so proud to have the two lads representing their club and families. Enjoy the celebrations and savour this time in your lives lads.

Clarina to Cromer 2023:
What a great night once again that turned out to be the best value €10 entertainment since maybe last year. A huge thanks to our host and chief organiser Tom Clancy. We’re glad your making this an annual event- keep it going even if god forbid Limerick aren’t in the All Ireland. A huge thanks to our panel of guests – giving their time and been so candid when they could have been anywhere else on the Friday before All Ireland Sunday – Johnny Pilkington, Adam Screeney, Jamie Wall, Mark Foley Fergal Horgan, Sarah O’Donovan. I’ll try to sum up some of the chat that went on….Tom introduced each of our guest; Adam- Quickest graduation from senior hurlers debut last night to pundit in 24 hours. Johnny – calls Adam “Clifford” after the big red dog- cause big dog turns up on the day. A very special talent . Although he has a younger brother the real talent . ( we knew at this early stage we’d get a few laughs). Sarah- Only agreed to come once Adam signed up – she’s a big fan of the young Offaly talent . Herself and Jamie are trying to Adam to Mary I in September. She blames Tipp that Limerick got to the Munster final in first place. Jamie says he has no anti limerick bias . Once his own team put out – I like the Limerick lads he said having worked with the best in Mary I. Have Kilkenny won 40 ???????they have enough – I’m paraphrasing!!!. Mark has no fear – Kilkenny will come with everything . We all looking forward to it. Fergal – Is he sorry his reffing career over? He loves the build up. Misses the big occasions, but no regrets, he made the decision- it had to be made and I’m ok with that. He went on to say the Munster final atmosphere is like no other- he’d love to have reffed it this year . Leinster finals never fill the grounds no matter where it’s on so atmosphere in Gaelic Grounds would be no comparison. Limerick’s Johnny murphy has got 1 All Ireland – I’ve had 3. Limerick have never lost a final I’ve reffed. Mark – of course disappointing Declan missed out but that’s top level sport . Great to see Aidan up. Many injuries make room for the lads in reserve , that’s why they are there waiting – to get on. Sarah- said she has been very lucky to play with the teams Cork & Dublin – they were always well looked after in both teams. Johnny – has 2 Celtic crosses . Always Delighted to show them off. Adam said he may have taken some of the young Offaly lads in for a look. Loads of great hurlers in counties who never get any medals. There was MUCH discussion about contact lenses, injury, momentum…… wonder who they talking about?
Fergal said Henry has more issues than talking about the contact lenses at end of a match . He thinks Nicky will be told Sunday puck out the ball, don’t feign injury or you’ll get a yellow card – get ahead of it before the game starts – forewarned – That’s how he’d ref. Mark said basically to sum it up the last day problem wasn’t Nikki it was the refs fault- big applause. Limerick have 12/12 finals won in Croke park- get out of Munster and Croke park is the prize. It suits limerick. Jamie thinks Limerick is good to fix a game themselves on a pitch even a without message coming in. Croke Park Pitch is bigger, has more room – 3 more meters either side – it’s an ocean . Easy to get into a groove when Flanagan or Gillane have room to move. This crop don’t carry the scars of before – all they know is good times- that is a thing but it is in fact more technical than that. Johnny – doesn’t agree with any of the above. He said doesn’t matter the size of pitch. I have a job to do and I’ll do it even if it’s 6 meters wider, shorter, thinner… You just need to be structured. Limerick are structured . Will the KK back line stay structured or will the follow Flanagan, Gillane, Casey. Limerick back line wont budge. Mark – most teams pushing up on Limerick’s half back really pushed up or on limerick half forward but if they do that may leave more room than safe . But all teams now doing this Limerick will dominate the last third- this could be the winning of game . Can’t leave someone like Reidy free though to put it into Gilllane. AGAIN Johnny doesn’t agree. Why are you telling all half back lines to push up? KK need to trust themselves. They don’t think Blanchfield will be fit. He’s only man who can mark Hegarty. You can’t mark Hegarty – it’ll leave too much space. Talking about Hegarty causes GREAT debate – I think at the end of it the conclusion is Gearoid will run , midfielders, half forwards will be running in circles – hope they don’t get dizzy….Johnny doesn’t rate KK or Galway. Offaly would take them both no bother ( even if they didn’t ) – and the point? He can’t remember – totally lost train of thought- but we got a great laugh. Mark- Worst KK team in 20 years but they’ll still fight and come up to win – AGAIN Johnny doesn’t agree – Offaly even bet them the ‘98 All Ireland final. Johnny is putting TJ Reid in as 3rd Midfielder – use him to pop the ball off when it goes very physical. He also said he’s past it but I’m sure we ignored that comment . They are in final because of the system ie; Munster/ Leinster. Limerick – we have buckets of depth but do we have experience. Sarah things the younger players got that in the league. Mark thinks the full back line replacements could be the weak point . No great experience of championship matches. Jamie thinks a re jig needed if a full back goes down early. But Will and Kyle are already out of position- so who knows. That would be what would cause sleepless nights he said – referring to John Kiely.
From floor -Paul- should a ref be analysed after a game? Fergal has no bother with that. There will be one in each stand watching Sunday from Croke Park . Should it be a public comment after the match ? never happen – doesn’t happen in any sport. Fergal doing BBC commentary on Sunday – to explain the rules – Paul is wondering if he’ll be tempted to make up rules to confuse them. Adrian – will there be a time there is 2 refs . Fergal totally against it – can you imagine Fergal and Johnny murphy reffing the same match- No . It would be carnage. It’s swings and roundabouts… Fergal – GAA missing 2 big things – 1. The 4 umpires should be refs. 2. Hawk eye – if ball passes line on ground the Hawk eye should be able to tell you if it crossed the line. Also in one or 2 incidents that ref should be able to use monitor to judge a red card – it’s such an important decision. Also the stoppage time should be public – so everyone know what’s going on . The stand by ref is the one keeping an eye on time with the ref. Both have two watches . THATS 4 big things but who’s counting- he’s used to 2 watches remember. Joe Kiely- why don’t umpires tell ref that forwards are pulled and dragged etc. can they contact ref.? Fergal – they do tell them. Pat gavin- do you think minor should be played same day. Fergal thinks it’s a disgrace it’s not on same day. Should be on in Croke park. KK scored 2-26 last year- highest ever score in an all Ireland . If they score that Sunday especially with the weather will Limerick beat them? Johnny heard Brian Cody brough KK into a famine the big players aren’t there now. Fergal has no doubt Limerick the better team but KK are hard to beat in a final. Mark the same quality isn’t there in KK- but the tradition is there. They’ll come with everything. They’ll fight till they die. on the topic of JOHN KIELY -Sarah- Paul Kinnerk appointed first then John Kiely brought in . John as a principal – can manage 200 lads so easy to manage 36 ( Logical you’d think). Doesn’t try to do everything himself brings in the best to support him. When they give advice he’s not afraid to listen to them. He’s good at dolling out credit to keep the key people feeling valued. Kinnerk rightly gets credit but John is the key man keeping all the back room people happy. Mark- John was a committed player . Came from Galbally junior B team so a huge accomplishment to make the Limerick team himself . He’s an honest man – if he says he didn’t see something on the pitch then he didn’t – that’s someone else job and he leave it to them. Johnny – no question the best team . He has the players , back room staff. But not sure any other man would have done what he did. Adam- agrees he’s a top man . Coach will decide how they will play but the manager man manages and has a great relationship with the lads. Kevin asked should we go back to straight knock out? Johnny would like an open draw . See the real teams then. If all in together would KK have made this final.? Sarah asked would you be entertained if no Munster championship???? Johnny said you want your top teams no matter what counties are winning. Fergal thinks then teams like Offaly won’t win. Jamie thinks broaden the base and have 14 teams or more in it. Regular games at their level and 2/3 games above their level – teams need more games in championship hurling . Adam says you want to play the top level – not teams like Carlow , Down… some chance maybe Vs Dublin. But we don’t have the depth at moment. Johnny – You win when you have a bunch of special people – doesn’t matter what money goes in, you still need a bunch of special people. He thinks Offaly have the special people coming and they have the backer – even if he’s not making the cut. BUT are the structures ready or in place to make it happen? Jamie said Limerick had the structures in place when their U21’s started winning and making the transition. It was on the back of 2 and more teams over time to get here . Much discussion about hurleys – we won’t name the makers they prefer cause we support Shanahan’s – but he may get a weighing scale after this discussion
Mark 19 1/2 ounces – 34&1/4 length
Adam 32”
Sarah 33”
Johnny – any from a bag not particular at all( after listening to him tonight we are not suprised nothing put him off he just played away)
Fergal – 35” . 20 ounces
Jamie – 32 “
Unanimously said Gillane
If KK win Cody might get it BUT only if they win
Cillian Buckley – if you were getting married tomorrow- what would you do- take it handy? Enjoy it? Johnny would go enjoy the wedding. Fergal thinks players won’t go. No big deal – he won’t drink . He’ll be there Sunday morning . Johnny said it’ll be the dancing that will kill him.
Adam – Limerick by 2
Johnny – Limerick 6/7
Sarah – Limerick 6+
Mark – Limerick 7+
Fergal – Limerick by 6/7
Jamie – Limerick by 3-4
Hopefully you get a small snippet of how the night went – so much more was discussed – a few stories I can’t repeat – you had to be there- Make sure you are next year

Club Games:
Its a very busy time for the club teams. Senior Championship starts on Friday Vs Monaleen in Mungret. Our U19 football team has 2 games won Tuesday. U13 & U15 teams are playing games weekly at the moment. Watch the FB page for all fixtures or join the WhatsApp group by contacting Gerry. All teams appreciate the support if you have the time.

U11 Team:
Last Friday we entered our U11 group into an activity day organised by Bord Na nOg where they play 3 teams in 11 a side games in the Gealic grounds. This was a great opportunity for the kids to play in our county grounds. They played Clonlara, O’Callaghan Mills and Adare today and came out the right side on all 3 games with all our players playing great hurling and representing the club with great pride. Following this the kids got a tour of the stadium and back the clubhouse for some well earned lunch. What a great finish to a great week

CLUB Limerick Draw:
Congratulations to Paul O’Connor and Richard KIELY who both won €200 in the Club Limerick draw Saturday morning. Many thanks to everyone who supports the draw. 50% of your entry money goes back to the club. You can still sign up online or contact Anne Hannan

Lotto Update:
Lotto on Wednesday 26th July – 5,6,24,32 B14. Next Week’s Jackpot is €7,000. Be sure to get your tickets from The Clubhouse Bar, Hayes or local sellers.

Summer Bar Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday- 7p.m to 11.30 p.m. Friday 6p.m. To 12.30 p.m.
Saturday 6p.m to 12.30 p.m. (subject to change dependent on sporting fixtures). Sun 6p.m. to 11p.m (subject to change dependent on sporting fixtures)

Club Jerseys:
New updated Club jerseys are available to purchase through O’Neill’s NOW.

CLUB Limerick:
The Club Limerick Draw continues in 2023. There are 14 prizes in the draw, the top prize being €10K. By joining this draw, you are also contributing to Ballybrown Gaa Club so check out

Keep in Touch:
With us on Facebook: Twitter: BALLYBROWN@Bailebrun2014 E-Mail: or WEBSITE: