CLUB LOTTO: The club Lotto stands at €13,000,The next draw is Monday night the 14th March in the club house. Congratulations to Donal Humphreys, Susan Conneely, Jim Quinn & Niall Browne who won in the lucky dips. Remember tickets can be bought from usual outlets throughout the parish and online from .The club would like to thank all for their continued support.

TRAINING: Adult Strength and Conditioning training will continue this Monday at 7:30pm at the Club Gym . All players are encouraged to attend.

East Junior football League: The first game of the season for our adult teams will be in the Junior Football League as we travel to Oola to take on Oola in the first round of the east football league at Midday on 20th March. .

Club Membership 2022: That time of year again -membership is due for the 2022 season. Membership can be paid at the clubhouse on Monday 14th between 7pm and 9pm.Adult player €60 Student player( over 18) €50 Adult €50 OAP /student/unwaged €40.Family €100 ( 2adults and 4 kids under 18). All players Juvenile & Adult must have their membership paid to be covered for insurance reasons. Membership can also be paid via Clubforce by following the link on the club website.

Ballybricken/Bohermore GAA Golf Classic. Time to dust off the golf clubs, work on your short game and perfect your drive for the Ballybricken/Bohermore GAA Golf Classic on Friday 29th April in Ballyneety Golf Club. To enter a team or sponsor a Tee Box contact any of fundraising committee. Please contact, or for further details. All support is greatly appreciated

CLUB LIMERICK DRAW:This is your opportunity to give your club and county teams the best possible chance of preparing for future success. For only €10 a month, be in with a chance of winning a top prize of €10,000, along with additional cash prizes each month. Join online at . With €50 of every ClubLimerick membership goes directly to the club, we encourage all who can to show your support to ClubLimerick throughout 2022.