MEMBERSHIP: You can now pay your annual membership online at
and clicking on the club membership tab. Rates include €100 for a family membership of two adults and up top four children, €50 for adult membership and €40 for student and Senior Citizens membership. There are also options available to double up with gym and club lotto.
RETURN TO TRAINING: The GAA has issued issued advice to to clubs and counties for activities that are permissible and not permissible. Under level 5 of the plan for living with Covid-19, only individual training is permitted for GAA clubs. Neither adult or underage teams may train collectively and club games are not permitted. These restrictions will remain in place until at least January 31st.
LOTTO: Due to the ongoing covid-19 situation the Ballybricken bohermore GAA club lotto will remain suspended until it is safe to resume.
CONGRATULATION: To Maria Owens who became the first Ballybricken Bohermore person to be appointed as secretary of the East Board. There has been a number of new arrivals in the club over recent weeks, firstly congratulations to Enda and Aoife O’Callaghan on the arrival of baby Elsie. And to Kieran McCarthy and Brid Walsh on the arrival of Molly.
Ballybricken Bohermore GAA
Welcome to the official website of Cumann LúthchleasGael Baile Bricín/Bothár Mór. Ballybricken/Bohermore GAA Club is situated in East Limerick.