The Athea GAA Annual General Meeting was held on Friday evening last on MS TS with a good number in attendance. The committee remains unchanged for the coming year, with the position of assistant Treasurer remaining unfilled. Anyone interested in taking up this role is asked to contact any member of the executive committee. Everyone involved in the running of the Club throughout the year were thanked, and an update on the development of the ‘Healthy Athea Club’, was also received. Newly appointed Coiste Chairman John Kelly was welcomed, and John Hunt was thanked for his commitment over the past number of years. Treasurer Mary Ellen Quille gave a run down on our finances, detailing income and expenditure for the past year. Whilst the loan balance was reduced during the year, the balance remains at €36,089. It was acknowledged that further efforts would need to be made in the coming year post Covid, to reduce this balance further, thus reducing interest payable. It was also noted that the training lights at the pitch would be replaced in the coming weeks – these lights are still under guarantee and will be replaced FOC. For the 2022 season, Athea will join with our near neighbours Shannon Gaels at U15 and U17 levels. Athea has struggled with numbers in both of these levels and the club appreciates the benefits of amalgamation. This agreement will be renewed at the end of 2022. Mike Reidy, John Seery, and Eamon Dalton were also thanked for their efforts during the year in keeping our facilities in top condition. A motion of sympathy was passed for all those who lost loved ones during the year, with a special mention of former secretary Oliver McGrath and member of the 1968 team Mike Hayes (Dirreen/London) who passed away recently.
Ciaran Carey to Visit Athea
The Healthy Athea Club has invited Ciaran Carey former hurling manager, selector and player and now working as an addiction counsellor to give a talk on Friday February 25th at Con Colbert Hall. This event will be open to all to attend, further details next week.
Club Force
Membership and Draw Tickets will be available for purchase soon online through Club Force with a 10% discount offered for a number of weeks. Watch this space for updates!
Huge congratulations to Evan Curry who has been named on the 2022 Limerick County Minor Football Panel and to Grace Hunt who has been named on the 2022 Limerick County U14 Football Panel. Our club is extremely proud to have a representative on each of the panels and we wish both players every success in the coming year.