Donations continue to be made online to our #AtheatoCrokePark fundraising walk. Our total now stands at the fantastic sum of €9,387 – getting very close to the magic sum of €10,000. The gofundme page will remain open for the foreseeable future. Offline donations can also be made by contacting any member of the committee. Many thanks to all our wonderful supporters.
Clothes Collection
Thanks to everyone from inside the parish and beyond who contributed to the clothes collection at the weekend. 960kgs of clothing was collected in total – we hope you are all enjoying the new found space in your wardrobes!
Tesco Community Fund
We are delighted to be chosen as a beneficiary for the Abbeyfeale Tesco Community Fund. There is no blue token voting required due to covid, so each of the three organisations chosen will receive a donation from the fund. Again, this will be a welcome contribution towards the developments at our walk & talk track. Many thanks to Catherine Broderick, Cratloe for assisting us with our tesco fund application.
RIP Paddy Enright
Our club were deeply saddened to hear about the recent sad passing of Paddy Enright. Paddy ‘the kid’ was a manager of the U14 Hurling team in the 80’s, aiding them to reach the 1984 final at the Gaelic Grounds. He was also a dedicated Club Draw seller for many years and a proud Athea & Limerick supporter always. We are currently doing some research into Paddy’s involvement and achievements with the club, which we look forward to sharing with you all in the near future. A large crowd kitted out in Athea GAA gear and maroon flags flying lined the road outside the clubhouse on Tuesday for the passing of the remains. May the light of heaven shine upon him.
Dugout Sponsors
Following completion of the new sponsor signage for our two newly constructed dugouts, we were delighted to receive a visit from sponsor Johnny Mullane to the ‘Johnny Mullane Dugout’ and from Ted and Caroline Ahern who are close friends of the Kiely Family from Glenagore/birmingham who sponsored the second dugout. Many thanks to Johnny and the Kiely family for supporting the development of Athea GAA.