We are so looking forward to getting back on the field once it is safe to do so. But in order to use the facilities in the GAA Club you have to be a member. We are now open to receive membership for 2021. You can use the link here to renew your membership https://ahanegaa.clubifyapp.com/membership_products
You can head to the ClubZap App, on the bottom right hand corner you’ll see ‘My Club’ select that and then select membership and that will bring you to the membership link. We appreciate your ongoing support!
Last Man Standing
We still have 191 people in the competition with the top three most popular teams being Manchester United, Chelsea and Manchester City. As we are now two weeks into the competition there are no more buybacks for people who get eliminated! Huge thank you everyone who is taking part in the competition and to all those who helped in the recruitment for the competition.
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021
Tá CLG Átháin ag eagrú imeachtaí le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021. Bígí linn le haghaidh ar ciorcal comhrá, tráth na gceist, coding as Gaeilge, cluiche cártaí agus rang Aclaíochta.
Click ar an nasc seo;
chun féachaint ar an clár agus click an nasc chuig na imeachtaí éagsúla ar eventbrite chun clárú.
Comh maith le sin táimid ag déanamh mórshiúl fhíorúil le haghaidh lá Fhéile Phádraig. Seol isteach fís, tríd Gaeilge nó Béarla nó pé teanga más maith leat agus tú nó do pháistí ag déanamh dán, amhráin, damhsa nó pé rud eile agus táimid chun rud a dhéanamh suas chun chuir ar na meáin shóisialta le haghaidh lá Fhéile Phádraig.
Tuilleadh eolais ó Denis an oifigeach Gaeilge (0879346102)
Ahane GAA is organising events for Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021. Join us for a Irish conversation meet up, family quiz, coding in Irish, a card game and a Fitness class.
Click on this link;
to view the program and click the link to the various events on eventbrite to register.
Also we are doing a virtual parade for St. Patrick’s day. Submit a video, in Irish or English or whatever language you like of you or your children doing a poem, song, dance or whatever and we’re going to pull it together to put on social media for St. Patrick’s Day
There will be prizes for events!
More information from Denis Kelly our Irish language culture officer (0879346102)
MyLife Every Step Counts Challenge
We are coming to the end of the MyLife Every Step Counts Challenge which finishes up on March 3rd. At the time of writing we are in first place having walked 63,664.9 KM. A huge well done to everyone who has taken part in the MyLife Every Step Challenge it has been a fantastic way to do something as a club while keeping safe and staying apart. It has also been a great way to get out and get our daily exercise in!