
This week’s lotto numbers are 14, 15, 17 and 25. There was no winner of the jackpot which is now worth €12,400. The lucky dip winners of €25 each were Helen Shortt, Karen Keogh c/o Slaters, Mike Hedderman and Sasha Power. Next week’s draw is Sunday 22nd in Kirby’s. Thanks for your support.

East Limerick Hurling Final

All roads lead to Caherelly on Sunday as the Junior Hurlers play Murroe Boher in the East Final. Throw in is at 12pm and once again all support is appreciated.

Bord na nOg

Training continues every Monday evening at 6.45pm in the field.

Fedamore GAA 5k series

Fedamore GAA 2.5k/5k run/walk series starts on September 26th and will run for four weeks. All are welcome to attend and bring a friend! This year the series is in association with the Cliona Ring Foundation.