Ballybricken/Bohermore Club Notes:
Lotto Results:
6, 18, 28, 29. No jackpot winner.
Lucky dips – St. Ailbes, Emma Donnelly, John McMahon, P O’Riordan & D Lawlor
Next draw 17th of February at the Clubhouse – Jackpot €2,800
Thanks for your support.
Club Fundraiser: 
The club is holding a Table Quiz on Friday the 28th of February at 8pm in Kirby’s Hunting Lodge. Team prizes and raffle on the night. All welcome.
Congratulations to John Pratt on his inclusion on the 2025 Celtic Challenge panel.
Membership for 2025 is now due. Please avail of the €20 discount when you pay your membership and annual Lotto in the clubhouse on Tuesday 18th and 25th February from 7pm to 8pm.
Every Step Counts Challenge:
Well done to everyone who participated in the recent Irish Life “Every Step Counts Challenge”. Out of the 274 Munster clubs registered we came 85th with 3713.9 miles. Alan Stack, Betty Hickey and Bryan Laffan topped our Leader board with 990 miles between them. The club would like to remind everyone in the locality that the Walking track at the pitch is open to all.
Scór Revival:
Mny members represented the club on stages across the county in years gone by. The club would like to be represented in this year’s Adult Scór. Stage events are on March 7th and the Table Quiz is on March 6th, further information is available from any officer of the Club.