Junior Hurling
Our hurlers played South Liberties last Tuesday night in Knockea. The team was Thomas Myles, Dave Storan, Padraig Kelleher, Cian Enright, Eoghan McCormack, Tom Shinney, Brian Murphy, Eoin Enright, Micheal Ryan, Colin Haigney, Mike Shinney, Richard Bateman, John Boohan, Craig McNamara, Darren Kelly, Joe Powell, Hugh O Donnell, Dennis Cronin, Damian Keehan, Thomas Roche, Aodhan Hurley. There were 5 subs used. The final score was South Liberties 1:08 – 2:22 Fedamore. Thanks to all the support.

This week’s lotto numbers are 2, 8, 24 & 28. There was no winner of the jackpot which is now worth €11,500. The lucky dip winners of €25 each were S O’Sullivan, Bridget O’Callaghan, Barbara Riall & Sean O’Sullivan c/o Kirbys. Next week’s draw is on Sunday July 21st in Dempsey’s. Thanks for your support.

Kilpeacon u16s
Our under 16 footballers played Cappamore in Fedamore last Monday night. The final score was Kilpeacon 0:12 – 3:08 Cappamore.

Fedamore GAA would like to express their condolences to the Barron family on the recent passing of Michael. May He Rest In Peace.

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